eGov Meeting Minutes - 2010-08-02

Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: 2, August, 2010
  • Time: 13:00 PDT | 16:00 EDT | 22:00 CET | 08:00 NZ (3rd August)



Colin Wallis

Fullup Ar Foll

John Bradley

Scott Cantor

Shin Adachi

Sverre Bauck

Victor Ake


Andrew Lindsay-Stewart


Anna Ticktin


Lasse Andresen


1) Roll call for Quorum determination
2) Review and approve June 28 meeting draft minutes (June 28 attendees)
3) Post Implementation Review - What worked, what didn't - eGov Implementation Profile v2.0 of SAML 2.0 (all)
4) Liaison Report:OASIS eGov Member Section (CW/BS)
5) Update: Await IOP WG release of eGov Implementation Profile Test Plan (JB)
6) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board, Interop Review Board) (CW)
7) Scoping the next work item: Template for eGov Deployment Profiles of SAML v2.0 (All)
8) Agenda/dial in planning: Kantara F2F Paris 19-21 October
9) Events Update:


OASIS/World Bank ID Mgt Conference

OASIS/Belgian Govt Green IT for Green Policy 

Kantara European Face to Face meeting:

10) eGov WG Membership status: Increasing all the time but more Government/Federal/State employees needed! Can you help?

11) AOB..(please Reply All by return, to the list)

Meeting Minutes

1) Roll call for Quorum determination

8 members attending, 7 voting. quorum achieved.

2) Review and approve June 28 meeting draft minutes (June 28 attendees)

John Moves, Shin Seconds. Carried.

3) Post Implementation Review - What worked, what didn't - eGov Implementation Profile v2.0 of SAML 2.0 (all)

Discussion: Vendors intending to conform to the profile need to be involved at the the outset in its creation, to reduce post publication queries and to understand the intent of the deployers that are calling for certain tests. Vendors seem to be focusing on test plan to get the certification and 'reverse engineering' to the profile.   Potential issue regards IPR around non member vendors signing the Kantara GPA - would that force the work be done elsewhere?

4) Liaison Report:OASIS eGov Member Section (CW/BS)

The proposal to publish the IPV6 guidance received a negative comment.  Launch of the -Gov-eGIF Analysis group on LinkedIn is getting good traction with discussion around developing a global centralised core set of standards that jurisdictions follow, rather than maintaining eGIF standards lists in silos. KI eGov members would be more than welcome to join.

5) Update: Await IOP WG release of eGov Implementation Profile Test Plan (JB)

Released onto the KI website today.

Discussion: Not all tests wanted by eGov can be implemented in Full Matrix (e.g. SHA RSA 256 Algorithm). 'Political' issues in standing up a single implementation as a benchmark for vendors.  Some tests lack resources in terms of applications, kit and $.  

6) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board, Interop Review Board) (CW)

External Funding process agreed in principle at LC and BoT with KI Treasurer preparing minor changes to OPs to accommodate new policy.

7) Scoping the next work item: Template for eGov Deployment Profiles of SAML v2.0 (All)

Discussion: Use the Implementation Profile's Table of Contents as a foundation. Begin progress on this from the next call (September 6).

8) Agenda/dial in planning: Kantara F2F Paris 19-21 October

Discussion: Fulup, John and Colin are planning to attend. Sverre may also, depending on agenda.  Action 2010-02-08-01: Colin to prepare draft agenda

9) Events update: John and Colin are planning to attend he OASIS ID Mgt conference Sept 27-29 in DC.

10) eGov Member status

78 members and steadily growing. Colin asks members to introduce potential government employees to the group, either direct or to Colin and/or Fulup to engage.

Next Meeting: tbc but probably ...

  • Date: Monday, September 6, 2010
  • Time: 13:00 PDT | 16:00 EDT | 22:00 CET (08:00 Tues 3rd NZ) (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: US: +1 201 793 9022, Skype: + 9900827044630912
  • Code:

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