eGov Meeting Minutes - 2010-09-13

Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: 13 September, 2010
  • Time: 13:00 PDT | 16:00 EDT | 22:00 CET | 08:00 NZ (3rd August)



Colin Wallis

Fulup Ar Foll

John Bradley

Scott Cantor

Shin Adachi

Bob Sunday

Denny Prvu


Andrew Lindsay-Stewart


Anna Ticktin


Sverre Bauck


1) Roll call for Quorum determination
2) Review and approve August 2 meeting draft minutes (August 2 attendees)
3) Scoping the next work item: Template for eGov Deployment Profiles of SAML v2.0 (All)
4) Review Charter for further work items: IMI eGov Profile - yes or no? OpenID eGov Profile - yes or no? what else is needed? (All)
5) Agenda/dial in planning: Kantara F2F Paris 19-21 October
6) WG Chair election
7) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board, Interop Review Board) (CW)
8) Liaison: OASIS eGov Member Section (CW/BS)
9) eGov Membership Status
10) Reminder to look at OASIS SSTC Saml Assurance Profile CD
11) AOB
12) Events Update:

OASIS/World Bank ID Mgt Conference
OASIS/Belgian Govt Green IT for Green Policy 
Kantara European Face to Face meeting:

Meeting Minutes

1) Roll call for Quorum determination

7 members attending, 7 voting. quorum achieved.

2) Review and approve August 2 meeting draft minutes

John Moves, Fulup Seconds. Carried.

3) Scoping the next work item: Template for eGov Deployment Profiles of SAML v2.0 (All)

Discussion: BS will be able to contribute Fed Canada's as a potential candidate sometime next month. It has 3 sections: the deployment vs eGov 2.0, Constraints on eGov 2.0, and CA-specific requirements. JB asks where trust establishment is. BS says via the use of signed certs and description.

4) Review Charter for further work items: IMI eGov Profile - yes or no? OpenID eGov Profile - yes or no? what else is needed? (All)

Discussion: US, CA and UK interested in IMI.  US and JP interested in OpenID but waiting for Artifact binding on OpenID Connect.  NZ needing an STS and asks for views on an eGOV STS profile.  Protocol specific - OAuth, WSTrust etc. DK reminds the meeting of its OIO WSTrust profile and will resend to the list. Action: Thomas to send OIO WSTrust link to the list.  

5) Agenda/dial in planning: Kantara F2F Paris 19-21 October.

Discussion: Attendees confirmed so far are John B, Fulup, Colin, Sverre (tba).  More expected. Colin has placed a strawman agenda based on proposed work items.  Session times will allow for early morning call in from US West coast.

6) WG Chair election.

Discussion:  Anna advises that nominations are about to open (she will send an email straight after the call) and will close in 2 weeks time. In response to a question Anna advises that existing officers can be re-elected, and that if no other nominations come in apart from nay for the existing officers then a secret ballot does not need to be held. 

7) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board, Interop Review Board) (CW)

Colin advises that numbers signing up for full matrix testing are very light (about 5) and that none of those has yet opted to test eGov.  There is some informal talk of delaying the test till early in the New Year which might allow Shibboleth to enter the test, taking up the currently vacant no/low charge open source slot.

8) Liaison Report:OASIS eGov Member Section (CW/BS) 

Discussion: Transformational Government Tc is being spun up, using CS Transform's principles as a basis of a framework approach to this important subject. 

9) eGov Member status

Discussion: A number of additional sign ups this month.  UK Cabinet Office getting more interested.

Meeting Closed 5 mins past the hour.

Next Meeting: tbc but probably ...

  • Date: Monday, October 4, 2010
  • Time: 13:00 PDT | 16:00 EDT | 22:00 CET (08:00 Tues 3rd NZ) (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: US: +1 201 793 9022, Skype: + 9900827044630912
  • Code:

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