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NextGen External User Management System (XMS) Overview
Presented by HHS (Deloitte) at Carin Alliance meeting of May 28, 2021
Draft (for voting) of the PatientID Now Coalition  – April 2021
ONC Patient Matching Workshop 2020-08-31 Luis Maas
Comments submitted to the ONC on Identity and Patient Matching on 2020-08-31
Comments submitted to the ONC for the strategic plan 2020-2025. on 2020-02-05
20170131 annual member meeting slides FINAL.pdf
ONC Patient Identity and Matching Working Session – June1 2020
DRAFT 2020-06-25 Tom Jones--Proposal to Ensure Patient Choice on the Mobile Phone.docx
AuthN and AuthZ Assurance v2.docx  Former user (Deleted)
Catherine Schulten requests HIAWG comments on this Summary:
NIST and MITRE identity proofing analysis v 2020-06-26.docx
Presentation Slides from the July 9th HIAWG meeting:Â AllClear ID PresentationÂ
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