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Status of Minutes


Approved at: <<Insert link to minutes showing approval>>


  1. Call to order
    1. Roll Call & Determination of quorum status
    2. Agenda bashing
    3. Kantara Organization updates 
  2. WG Motions
  3. Ken Klingenstein on lessons learned from Consented Attributes Release project
  4. Discussion 
  5. Upcoming conferences and events
  6. All Other Business (AOB)
  7. Adjourn



  • Corné van Rooij
  • Jim Pasquale
  • Andrew Hughes


  •  David Turner
  • Chris CooperOlsen
  • David Turner
  • Sal D'Agostino
  • Ken Klingenstein



Quorum Status

Meeting was <<<>>> quorate

Voting participants

Participant roster (CMS) - Quorum is 4 of 6 as of 2018-04-02






5 min
  • Call to order
  • Roll call
  • Agenda bashing
  • Organization updates

5 minWG Motions
Quorum required 

Moved by:




5 min




20 minConsented Attribute Release lessons learnedKen Klingenstein
  • Looking into use of OIDC Dynamic client registration & how that intersects with CAR
  • Dealing with optional v mandatory attributes
  • Standard APIs for consent? Compare the ones that are in the platforms today (can APIs be copyrighted)?
  • Need for a citizen-centered taxonomy of Purposes
  • Need more feedback from regulators about definition of Legitimate Interest
  • Kantara should work on alignment between work groups
20 min10 minUpdate on W3C workshop on User Consent and Permissions September 26, 2018Andrew

FYIDiscussion on document draftingAll

The draft is in a Google doc - feel free to comment - Chairs and Editor will control acceptance of material.

  • Set a deadline for our work - EIC Munich in May
  • Need to refocus on working in small teams on specific subjects
  • Corné will start with 2 streams: BP-1 (Consent Definition) and BP-2 (Privacy Notice)
    • Looking for writing partners to build content
  • Other streams:
    • CR-1 Existing Regulations
    • BP-3 (Consent Need) is an active area for discussion
  • ACTION: Corné to send a notice to the WG to ask for colloboration assignments
  • We need to ensure that we collaborate with the Consent & Information Sharing WG - they discuss similar/same topics

Discussion about the draft Introduction (Jim):

  • The document should be "instructions" for organzations who want to do the "right" thing in relation to consent management ("What to do")
  • The document also should make the case for why "right" consent management is a good idea and beneficial for organizations and people. ("Why do it")
    • Not only for regulatory compliance - there are reasons to do this the "right" way that benefit people and organizations
  • Need to touch on lifecycle and supply chain aspects of data management
FYIDiscussion on the Interview QuestionsAll

The first draft of the interview questions is in a Google doc - please comment.

5 minUpcoming conferences and eventsAndrew

Events that Kantara will have an active role:

  • Kuppinger Cole CIAM World Tour Seattle & Amsterdam
  • IIW 2018B
5 minAOBChairDiscussion on decentralization, control and identity!


Next WG meeting Wednesday, October 3, 2018 10:00 Eastern Daylight Time / 15:00 BST

From 2018-09-05 meeting:

  • Idea: Blog post on "What happened to Consent?"
  • Differences between authorization, permissions and consent
  • Shareholder lawsuit coming up re impacts of GDPR to bottom line
  • Need to treat 'Consent' as a Product & do product management approaches to grow the market
  • Setup for podcasts or Brighttalk summits
  • Consentua is in the Gartner hype cycle map for 2018
    • Gartner positions this in their Integrated Risk Management sphere
  • Question is: how can you use this new dataset called "Consent Receipt" how can the company make more money/satisfy the customer
    • Hard to pin this down
  • Is the killer app around interoperability of the receipt records? or portability of the records themselves? how does this play out on the platform?
    • How does consent record/receipt work in a long term customer management scenario (possibly this is consent practices)
    • How does this play out with respect to industry associations code of conduct? (possibly consent receipt)
