WG - Consent Management Solutions Home

WG - Consent Management Solutions Home

This is the home of the space.

This Consent Management WG operates under the Kantara Initiative IPR Policy - Option Non-Assertion Covenant


Consent Management Solutions are used to manage the full lifecycle of an individual’s consent for the processing of their personal data. That consent needs to be: freely given, specific, informed, unambiguous and layered. Read the full charter.

About Kantara’s Consent Management Solutions Work Group (CMS WG)
CMS WG was created by the Kantara Initiative with the goal of providing more clarity and an industry-developed common practices guideline document around consent and privacy policies for use by organizations that manage and use large amounts of identity information and data.  The guidelines will be industry-vetted and lead to the formation of established standards and a certification program.

These work group outputs will help organizations meet new stringent regulations around personal identity and private information.  In keeping with Kantara’s mission of an open, participatory industry association model, all organizations and individuals involved in the consent, identity and privacy are welcome to join the CMS WG.

Read the full Press Release

Thank you to our WG sponsors:


Jim Pasquale,digi.me [March 2018]

Marco Venuti, iWelcome [March 2018]


Andrew Hughes, Individual [March 2018]


Teleconference Info:
Consent Management Solutions WG (GTM1)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 

You can also dial in using your phone. 
United States: +1 (224) 501-3217 

Access Code: 276-734-989 

More phone numbers 
Australia: +61 2 8355 1050 
Austria: +43 7 2081 5427 
Belgium: +32 28 93 7018 
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Ireland: +353 15 360 728 
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Netherlands: +31 207 941 377 
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Sweden: +46 853 527 836 
Switzerland: +41 225 4599 78 
United Kingdom: +44 330 221 0088 

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