E.1 A Collection of regulatory materials (and public-sector-related material)

Topic Leader: Denny Prvu


This content area is a curated list of regulatory materials, and pointers to relevant governmental initiatives.

DG discussion on 15 May 2024 regarding what content should be put here. We decided that Public Sector related material that might be related to future regulations is appropriate in this content area. The story of this section might be “It’s too early” - and that’s OK.

  File Modified

PDF File Remote ID Proofing Good Practices_en.pdf

May 15, 2024 by Jay Meier

PDF File increasing_threats_of_deepfake_identities_0.pdf

Jun 28, 2024 by Maxine Most




Description of content




Description of content


 Deepfakes and the law: Are we protected? (timesofmalta.com)


Article summarizing the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) highlighting it attempts regulate deepfakes.




Law Enforcement in the Era of Deepfakes - Deepfake media (deepfakes) are hyper-realistic video, images, and sound forgeries created using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. Types of deepfake videos include face-swapping, puppeting (person depicted mirrors the video’s creator), or the addition of completely synthetic content to a video



 Congress - H.R.5586 - DEEPFAKES Accountability Act

Bill introduced in September 2023. Primarily focuses on requiring creators to digitally watermark deepfake content and making it a crime to fail to identify malicious deepfakes.


AI and the Law: Deepfakes, Eroding Trust, and the Legal Tightrope | HackerNoon

Hackermoon.com (Blog post)

Includes case studies and proposed regulations