Boilerplate Templates for Document-Related Ballots

Boilerplate Templates for Document-Related Ballots

This page contains sample text for ballots, motions and notices related to the Kantara document publication procedures. 

Step by step instructions for Kantara's document publication procedures are here: WG DG Document Development Summary

Usage Recommendations

  • Copy the text into a new email message - it should create a reasonably formatted HTML email. Update the <variables> as needed.
  • For motions and ballots for work that remains inside a DG/WG, it is not strictly necessary to use these templates. However, you can paste them into meeting minutes so that there's a well-formatted, clear and complete record of important motions, using standardized language.

Generic text for in-meeting Motions

Use the text below in your meeting minutes to record motions and results:

Motion: < Use precise language and read out the specific text of the motion before proceeding. Motions are 'active': e.g. "To approve..."; "To request..." >
Moved by:
Discussion: < Brief notes on discussion that occurs AFTER the motion is raised - discussion prior to the motion should be minuted separately >
Result: < Motion Carried ||  Motion Defeated || Motion Carried amendment >

Leadership Council Ballots

Ballot to certify a Group-Approved Recommendation as ready to move to All Member ballot

Email Subject Line

LC BALLOT to certify a Group-Approved Recommendation as ready to move to All Member ballot

<<<----- START OF TEXT TO COPY ----->>>

Dear Kantara Initiative Work Group Chairs,
This email initiates a Leadership Council eBallot to certify the Group-Approved Recommendation below to proceed to an All Member Ballot for approval as a Kantara Initiative Recommendation.

Motion:To certify the Group-Approved Draft Recommendation "<Document> <Version> <Document Date>" as meeting the Kantara Initiative document publication requirements and is ready for All Member Ballot to approve as a Kantara Initiative Recommendation.

Please reply to this email:

I am casting my ballot on behalf of the WG: ____

[  ] YES

[  ] NO with optional comment:

[  ] ABSTAIN with optional comment:



Document Date:

Document URL:

<Name of Group-Approved Recommendation>

<Version number>

<Document date of Group-Approved Recommendation Document>

Download the document <Document URL> — NOTE: this should be done as a hyperlink to avoid showing the complex URL

Document wiki page:

Comment Dispositions page:

WG Charter:

<Wiki page containing links to the Group-Approved Recommendation>

<Wiki page containing links to the comments disposition log>

<Link to relevant WG Charter>

Ballot Opens:

Ballot Closes:

<Ballot Opening Date>

<Ballot Opening Date +7 days>

Voting Rules:A simple majority of Voting members of the LC is required

Ballot Information:Article 6 of the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures v2 require the Leadership Council to certify that the Group-approved Recommendation has met the following document publication requirements:
-- The document is within the scope of the WG Charter
-- The required 45-day Public Review and Comment period has occurred
-- Comments received have been reviewed by the WG, a disposition made and logged, the document draft updated accordingly
-- The WG adopts a motion to submit the Group-Approved Draft Recommendation to LC for certification for All Member Ballot

Eligible voters
as of 2017-03-17:

eGov WG
Federation Interoperability WG
Identity Assurance WG
Identity Relationship Management WG
Open Trust Taxonomy for OAuth2 WG
User-Managed Access WG
User-Managed Access Dev WG
Consent & Information Sharing WG

Ballot to approve a Group-Approved Draft Report as a Kantara Initiative Report

Email Subject Line

LC BALLOT to approve a Group-Approved Draft Report as a Kantara Initiative Report

<<<----- START OF TEXT TO COPY ----->>>

Dear Kantara Initiative Work Group Chairs,
This email initiates a Leadership Council eBallot to approve a Group-Approved Draft Report as a Kantara Initiative Report.

Motion:To certify the Group-Approved Draft Report "<Document> <Version> <Document Date>" as meeting the Kantara Initiative document publication requirements and to approve as a Kantara Initiative Report.

Please reply to this email:

I am casting my ballot on behalf of the WG: ____

[  ] YES

[  ] NO with optional comment:

[  ] ABSTAIN with optional comment:



Document Date:

Document URL:

<Name of Group-Approved Draft Report>

<Version number>

<Documentdateof Group-Approved Draft Report Document>

Download the document <Document URL> — NOTE: this should be done as a hyperlink to avoid showing the complex URL

Document wiki page:

WG Charter:

<Wiki page containing links to the Group-Approved Draft Report>

<Link to relevant WG Charter>

Ballot Opens:

Ballot Closes:

<Ballot Opening Date>

<Ballot Opening Date +7 days>

Voting Rules:A simple majority of Voting members of the LC is required
Ballot Information:

Article 8 of the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures v2 require the Leadership Council to certify that the WG Draft Report has met the following document publication requirements:
-- The Draft is within the scope of the WG Charter

Eligible voters
as of 2017-03-17:

eGov WG
Federation Interoperability WG
Identity Assurance WG
Identity Relationship Management WG
Open Trust Taxonomy for OAuth2 WG
User-Managed Access WG
User-Managed Access Dev WG
Consent & Information Sharing WG
<<<----- END OF TEXT TO COPY ----->>>

Work Group Ballots

Ballot to approve a Group-Approved DRAFT Recommendation as ready to send to Leadership Council for certification towards an All Member ballot

Email Subject Line

WG BALLOT to approve a Group-Approved DRAFT Recommendation as a Group-Approved Recommendation for sending to Leadership Council for certification towards an All Member ballot to approve as a Kantara Initiative Recommendation.

<<<----- START OF TEXT TO COPY ----->>>

Dear Voting WG Participants,
This email initiates a Work Group eBallot to approve the Group-Approved DRAFT Recommendation as a Group-Approved Recommendation for sending to Leadership Council for certification towards an All Member ballot to approve as a Kantara Initiative Recommendation. 

Motion:To approve the Group-Approved DRAFT Recommendation "<Document> <Version> <Document Date>" as a Group-Approved Recommendation for sending to Leadership Council for certification towards an All Member ballot to approve as a Kantara Initiative Recommendation.

Please reply to this email:

[  ] YES

[  ] NO with optional comment:

[  ] ABSTAIN with optional comment:



Document Date:

Document URL:

<Title of Group-Approved Draft Recommendation>

<Version number>

<Document date of Group-Approved Draft Recommendation Document>

Download the document <Document URL> — NOTE: this should be done as a hyperlink to avoid showing the complex URL

Document wiki page:

Comment Dispositions page:

WG Charter:

<Wiki page containing links to the Group-approved Draft Recommendation>

<Wiki page containing links to the comment dispositions log>

<Link to relevant WG Charter>

Ballot Opens:

Ballot Closes:

<Ballot Opening Date>

<Ballot Opening Date +7 days>

Voting Rules:A simple majority of Voting participants of the WG is required
Ballot Information:

Article 4.13 of the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures v2 describes the WG document publication requirements:

a) Sufficient time is given for a clear statement of all relevant views;
b) Each Participant has a sufficient opportunity to understand the views being presented to make a decision;
c) All Participants have the opportunity to adequately present their view.
d) The WG has sufficient information to make a decision;
e) Dissenting opinions are clearly recorded when a trial resolution is proposed to determine if sufficient consensus has been reached;
f) A rationale statement about the WG's majority view is included in the draft document whenever expressed dissent is considered likely to result in a negative ballot, and;
g) A minority report may be produced representing a dissenting point of view of members of a WG.

The LC requirements that must be met to certify the Group-Approved Recommendation are listed in Article 6 of the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures v2:

- The Draft is within the scope of the WG Charter
- The required 45-day Public Review and Comment period has occurred
- Comments received have been reviewed by the WG, a disposition made and logged, the document draft updated accordingly
- The WG adopts a motion to submit the WG Draft Recommendation to LC for certification for All Member Ballot

Eligible voters
as of yyyy-mm-dd:

< List the eligible voters as shown on the WG's Roster Page OR provide a hyperlink to the WG Roster page>

<<<----- END OF TEXT TO COPY ----->>>

Ballot to approve a WG Draft Report as ready to send to Leadership Council for approval as a Kantara Initiative Report 

Email Subject Line

WG BALLOT to approve a work Group Draft Report for sending to Leadership Council for approval as a Kantara Initiative Report.

<<<----- START OF TEXT TO COPY ----->>>

Dear Voting WG Participants,
This email initiates a Work Group eBallot to approve the Work Group Draft Report for sending to Leadership Council for approval as a Kantara Initiative Report.



Document Date:

Document URL:

<Title of Draft Report>

<Version number>

<Document date of Draft Report>

Download the document <Document URL> — NOTE: this should be done as a hyperlink to avoid showing the complex URL

Document wiki page:

WG Charter:

<Wiki page containing links to the Draft Report>

<Link to relevant WG Charter>

Ballot Opens:

Ballot Closes:

<Ballot Opening Date>

<Ballot Opening Date +7 days>

Voting Rules:A simple majority of Voting participants of the WG is required
Motion:To approve the Work Group Draft Report "<Document> <Version> <Document Date>" for sending to Leadership Council for approval and publication as a Kantara Initiative Report.

Please reply to this email:

[  ] YES

[  ] NO with optional comment:

[  ] ABSTAIN with optional comment:

Ballot Information:

Article 4.14 of the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures v2 describes the WG document publication requirements:

These Reports shall meet any requirements established by the LC, specifically:
a) The Draft Report must be approved by a simple majority of the voting participants of the WG.
b) The Draft Report must meet basic document quality requirements for spelling, formatting, etc., and must be published using a Kantara Initiative LC approved Report template.
c) The LC will work with the WG to address any additional document quality or formatting issues and will vote to accept the Draft Report as a final Kantara Initiative Report.

Eligible voters
as of yyyy-mm-dd:

< List the eligible voters as shown on the WG's Roster Page OR provide a hyperlink to the WG Roster page >

<<<----- END OF TEXT TO COPY ----->>>

Discussion Group Ballots


Kantara Member Ballots

All-Member Ballot to approve a Kantara Initiative Candidate Recommendation as a Kantara Initiative Recommendation

Email Subject Line

Call to vote: Kantara Initiative All-Member Ballot for < Document Name >

Email address to send to: membership@kantarainitiatiative.org 

<<<----- START OF TEXT TO COPY ----->>>

Dear Kantara Initiative Members,

This email initiates an All-Member eBallot to approve the Kantara Initiative Candidate Recommendation below as a Kantara Initiative Recommendation.

We strongly encourage all members to be familiar with the topic and document development process before casting your vote below.

Motion:To approve the Work Group Draft Recommendation "<Document> <Version> <Document Date>" as a Kantara Initiative Recommendation.

Please reply to this email:

[  ] YES

[  ] NO with optional comment:

[  ] ABSTAIN with optional comment:



Document Date:

Document URL:

<Name of Candidate Recommendation>

<Version number>

<Document date of Candidate Recommendation Document>

Download the document <Document URL> — NOTE: this should be done as a hyperlink to avoid showing the complex URL

Document wiki page:

Comment Dispositions page:

WG Charter:

<Wiki page containing links to the Draft Recommendation>

<Wiki page containing links to the comment dispositions log>

<Link to relevant WG Charter>

Ballot Opens:

Ballot Closes:

<Ballot Opening Date>

<Ballot Opening Date +14 days minimum>

Voting Rules:

A Supermajority (75% affirmative) of those voting in this All-Member Ballot, with at least 15% of all Members voting is required to approve the document as a Kantara Initiative Recommendation.

Please note, this number includes individual members who are allowed to vote.

Ballot Information:

The prerequisites for this All-Member Ballot have been met:

Section 5.5 "Member Ballots of Work Group Recommendations" of the Kantara Initiative Bylaws and Article 6 "All-Member Ballot of a Draft Recommendation" of the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures v2.0 require certification by a majority of Leadership Council voters that the draft Recommendation is ready for an All-Member Ballot, which means that:

-- The draft Recommendation is within the scope of the WG Charter;

-- That the required 45-day Public Review and Comment period has occurred;

-- Comments received have been reviewed by the WG, a disposition made and logged, the document draft updated accordingly;

-- A majority of the eligible Work Group voters have approved the draft Recommendation for approval via an All-Member Ballot.

Eligible Voters:

This All-Member Ballot is open to all Members of Kantara Initiative, Inc.
- Each member organization may cast only one vote.
- The Primary Representative from each member organization should cast the member's vote.
- If you are unsure who your Primary Representative is please contact staff@kantarainitiative.org for assistance.

<<<----- END OF TEXT TO COPY ----->>>

Public Notices

Public Review for Comment and IPR Review For Kantara Initiative Recommendation

Email Subject Line

NOTICE: Public review for comments and IPR review for Kantara Initiative < Draft Recommendation Document Name >

Email address to send to: announcements@kantarainitiative.org

<<<----- START OF TEXT TO COPY ----->>>

Dear Kantara Initiative Members and Community,
This is a formal notice.

Members of the Kantara Initiative <WG NAME plus WG Acronym> have recently approved the < Draft Recommendation Document Name >. The document described below now enters a 45-day public comment and IPR review period in preparation for a member ballot to consider its approval as a Kantara Initiative Recommendation.



Document Date:

Document URL:

Overview of Document:

<Name of Draft Recommendation>

<Version number>

<Document date of Draft Recommendation Document>

Download the document <Document URL> — NOTE: this should be done as a hyperlink to avoid showing the complex URL

< Paste in the document overview from the Document wiki page >

This is an open invitation to comment. Kantara Initiative solicits feedback from potential users, developers and other interested parties, whether Kantara Initiative members or not, for the sake of improving the interoperability and quality of its technical work.

Public Review and IPR Review Period Opens:

Review period closes:

<Review Opening Date - should include time zone (prefer UTC but any time zone is OK) and time of day>

<Review Opening Date +45 days minimum>

To Comment on the Specification:

To comment please use the form located at: https://kantarainitiative.org/comment/ or email your comments to staff@kantarainitiative.org with the subject "CISWG COMMENT SUBMISSION".

Note that any submissions are deemed to be contributed under the IPR Option of the WG: <<Name of WG's IPR Option>>

Intellectual Property Rights Notice:

In accordance with the Kantara Initiative IPR Policy Article 5 and the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures Article 6, you have a period of 45 days to review the draft specification for any Necessary Claims that may be implicated by the draft specification.

While there is no requirement to review your patent portfolio for Necessary Claims, please be advised that unless you provide a licensing objection in accordance with the Kantara Initiative IPR Policy Article 5 or a notice of withdrawal in accordance with Kantara Initiative IPR Policy Article 6 on or before the closing of the IPR Review Period, you will have committed to the licensing provisions as set forth by the Patent & Copyright: Reciprocal Royalty Free with Opt-Out to Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory (RAND) IPR Policy with respect to any Necessary Claims implicated by the final approved specification.

Having signed the Group Participation Agreement (GPA) all members of the CISWG should be familiar with this document, which may create obligations regarding the disclosure and availability of a member’s patent, copyright, trademark and license rights that read on an approved Kantara Initiative specification.

Kantara Initiative invites any persons who know of any such claims to disclose these if they may be essential to the implementation of the above specification so that these notices may be provided to the CISWG.

To submit an IPR Necessary Claim, email staff@kantarainitiative.org with the subject "CISWG IPR CLAIM".

Please contact the Kantara Initiative staff at staff@kantarainitiative.org with any questions regarding this notice.

<<<----- END OF TEXT TO COPY ----->>>

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