Template - Public Comment and IPR Review Notice

Template - Public Comment and IPR Review Notice

** Kantara staff IT must be notified of the document title and link for review to update the comment form.

DISTRIBUTION: community (at) kantarainitiative.org / all (at) kantarainitiative.org
SUBJECT: REVIEW NOTICE: <insert document> Document and IPR Review

Dear Kantara Initiative Members and Community:

This is a formal notification that the <insert> Work Group (WG) has approved the following documents as a WG <draft recommendation / specification> for public comment and IPR Review:

Title of Documents (click the titles to view the documents):

  • <insert link to documents for review>

In accordance with the Katnara Initiative Operating Procedures, this email initiates a review and comment period of 45 days on these documents.  

COMMENT AND IPR REVIEW: (NOTE: 45 calendar days)

  • Opens: Today, Friday, 18 September 2015 (example)
  • Closes: Monday, 2 November 2015, 23:59 Pacific Time (example)

To comment on these <insert document type> use one of the following options for participation:

  1. Use the comment form:  http://contact.kantarainitiative.org/comment/
  2. Send your comment via email to support @ kantarainitiative.org with the subject “<insert specific WG> WG COMMENT SUBMISSION"


<link to WG Roster> are required to make claims to IPR regarding these technical documents. If you are not an UMA WG Participant you have no IPR licensing obligation to any of these documents.

If you wish to submit an IPR claim please do the following:

  1. IPR Claims may be sent to support @ kantarainitiative.org with the subject “<insert specific WG> WG IPR CLAIM”