IAWG Meeting Minutes 2015-11-19

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2015-11-19

Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance WG Teleconference

Date and Time


  1. Administration:
    1. Roll Call
    2. Agenda Confirmation
    3. Minutes Approval: 
    4. Action Item Review
    5. Organization Updates - Director's Corner
    6. Staff reports and updates
    7. LC reports and updates
    8. Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews or #kantara)
  2. Discussion
    1. Finish discussion of IAF 5415
    2. SAC modification proposal (see attachment)
    3. Discussion of IAWG Comment on Privacy-Enhanced Identity Broker white paper
    4. Discussion of IAWG Comment on Circular A-130 changes 
    5. Wiki restructure proposal
  3. AOB
  4. Adjourn


Link to IAWG Roster

As of 2015-11-05, quorum is 5 of 9

Meeting did achieved quorum


  • Ken Dagg (C)
  • Scott Shorter (S)
  • Paul Caskey
  • Andrew Hughes (VC)
  • Richard Wilsher


  •  Christine Abruzzi


  •  Ruth Puente


  • None

Notes & Minutes


Minutes Approval
DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2015-11-05

(meeting had not achieved quorum at this point in the agenda)

Action Item Review


Staff Updates

LC Updates
  •  1.0.1 of UMA has been approved, going out for public comment period, hoping to be done by xmas
  • ARB is on hiatus, expecting announcement soon of CSPs going through the approval process
Participant updates
  •  None


Discussion on IAF 5415 -

The latest draft submitted on Nov 6th. Call for comments.

Scott mentions having reviewed and supporting the finalization of the document.  Andrew suggests that it be provided with a disclaimer that it is provided "as-is", with a request for feedback in the case that inaccuracies.

Ken asks for Scott and Ruth to get the IAF 5415 released as a framework document. It will include the disclaimer Andrew mentioned and a request for feedback if errors are encountered.

Motion by Ken Dagg - Release IAF 5415 as framework document, provided with a disclaimer that it is "as-is" with a request for feedback in the case of inaccuracies.

Seconded by Richard

No objections, the motion passed.

SAC Modification Proposal

There is a deadline of Nov 30 for requests for funding.

Andrew - take a look at the request, if the money is granted we will follow through. Less an approval, more an authorization to proceed from IAWG. No  competing requests, if we think it's a good idea then we just do it.

Richard suggests refinement - include in the description that the final specification of the request for proposal will be agreed with whoever leads the implementation.  If the Board approves the document we will be finalizing a request for proposal to do the work.

Andrew asks if there are serious questions about the document as is.  Richard mentions is prior email, but would suggest the "weasel words" that if the funding is approved then IAWG can adjust the specifics.

Circular A.130

- out for comments. Date for comments is Nov 20. Only comments Ken had were around Privacy, which is a secondary mandate for the IAWG. The document discusses individual identity without defining it. Suggest changing that to "identify an individual". It implies an inventory of information including all personal information - not as explicit as it should be in other parts of the document. Doesnt include the fact that a registry of information that identifies the PII that is obtained. Because it's around strategic management of information as a strategic resource.  If anyone else have comments beyond that we can put them in and meet the deadline.  Ken previously sent comments to the list Nov 3.

Privacy Enhanced Identity Broker

Discuss or defer?

Andrew suggests that it is a multi-workgroup response, he will lead on behalf of IAWG.  Andrew will respond Dec 1 as to progress.

Wiki restructure proposal

Brief overview - Ruth proposed some changes to reorganize the wiki. Due to the need of refreshing the IAWG wiki content, organizing the information and tracking tools to better follow up the IAWG work, she proposed to restructure the wiki in an info-map.

The idea is to restructure the wiki and create wiki pages by information categories and workstreams.  From the home we can list these wiki pages: 
-General Information
-Workstreams: Discussion Items and Documentation
-Minutes and Meeting Notes
-IAF controlling docs.
-Documentation procedures
In the plan we can add the following tools to the wiki pages to better follow up the production:   
1. Tracking table for Documentation developments. In the  "Documentation" wikipage the plan is to insert a table to track the production of documentation work (new or revisions) or compile inputs. 
2. E-vote tool, to vote on document revisions, papers, etc, directly in the wiki. 
Also, in the Documentation wikipage we could add an e-vote tool, which we use in the ARB. This tool provides the possibility to vote independently from the calls and expedite the approval process. 
Besides, the restructure includes a wikipage "Documentation procedures" that will describe the categories, steps and timelines that the documents should follow (which approval, how many days for public comment, etc). Based on the KI Operating Principles and IAWG practices.  

The document has been shared with the leadership, Ruth can share with IAWG.

Scott mentions having reviewed, agree with sharing with the IAWG and then based on comments we can get it implemented.


Call for other business, none at this time.




Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, 2015-12-03
  • Time: 12:00 PT | 15:00 ET
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