Published-06-17-17-Background on developing 800-63-3 SAC
Published-06-17-17-Background on developing 800-63-3 SAC
Kantara Assurance Program in light of 800-63-3
Meeting notes from GSA April 26 2017 part redacted.pdf
Draft Minutes
Call with assessors_June8th_Draft Meeting Notes_rev1.docx
2017-05-15 ARB meeting
2017-05-08 ARB meeting
2017-04- 29 ARB meeting
Joint Meeting with CSPs and Assessors 2017-06-22: Kantara Assurance Program in light of 800-63-3
Presentation: Assurance Program and 800-63-3_20170622.pdf
Audio and Video Recording: Link to Google Drive https://drive.google.com/a/apps.kantarainitiative.org/file/d/0B7AAtl15W-dSRDd4eTRTTkZYYXM/view?usp=sharing
Reference Material: "Kantara Assurance in light of 800-63-3 - a way forward" Google Doc: Draft for discussion
, multiple selections available,