2024-05-16 IAWG Meeting Agenda/Notes
Meeting Status Metadata
Quorum | quorate |
Notes-Status | approved |
Approved-Link |
The meeting status metadata table is used for summary reports - copy the status macros from the table in these instructions:
Quorum: quorate not quorate
Notes-Status: drafting Ready for review approved
Approved-Link: Insert a link to the Meeting Notes page holding the approval decision for this notes page
Roll call, determination of quorum.
Voting: Andrew Hughes, Michael Magrath, Mark King, Richard Wilsher, Vladimir Stojkovski, Jimmy Jung, Scott Jones, Yehoshua Silberstein
Non-Voting: Jazzmine Dowtin, Eric Thompson
Staff: Lynzie Adams, Amanda Gay, Kay Chopard, David Nutbrown, James Keenan
Guests: Lisa Balzereit
Minutes approval
Jimmy moves for unanimous approval. Andrew seconds. No objections. Minutes approval passes.
Kantara Updates
GSA’s SIN Release (Special Item Number) Schedule: This is a list of vendors with Kantara Approval/Certified (including Kantara) that goes to all federal and state agencies. It is pulled from our trust status list–goal is to be a faster procurement instrument for government agencies (it gives listed organizations a “leg-up” in terms of competing for government contracts”
UK program–moving along to get 17065 accreditation – hoping to jump start 17065 with US Assurance Program.
Identiverse with Lynzie, Las Vegas, May 28-31
EIC Berlin, Berlin, June 4-7
Identity Week Europe, Amsterdam, June 11-12
FedID, Baltimore, June 26-27
Assurance Updates
IAWG Actions/Reminders/Updates:
Adjusted meeting cadence for May:
May 30
Auditor Introduction
James Keenan
David Nutbrown
ISO 17065 Discussion Items
Group Discussion:
Proposed 63A#0180 Revisions: 63A#0180 - proposed criteria adjustment (circulated by email 2024.04.06 by Richard Wilsher, attached for convenience)
In Progress - Proposed supplement to NIST related to evidence requirements
Continued discussion if needed: Proposed S3A edits to enhance transparency (as proposed to ARB) - Jimmy Jung
Assessment Program Question from 04.26.2024 - Assessment Program Question (attached for convenience)
Any Other Business
Quorum determination
Meeting is quorate when 50% + 1 of voting participants attend
There are <<9>> voters as of <<2024-05-16>>
Approval of Prior Minutes
Motion to approve meeting minutes listed below:
Moved by: Jimmy Jung
Seconded by: Andrew Hughes
Link to draft minutes and outcome | Discussion |
2024.04.04 Meeting Minutes DRAFT 2024.04.25 Meeting MInutes DRAFT |
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| Proposed 63A#0180 Revisions: 63A#0180 - proposed criteria adjustment | Richard Wilsher |