Quarterly Reports for Working Groups

Quarterly Reports for Working Groups

March 2015
June 2015
September 2015
December 2015
WG - Attributes In Motion    
WG - Cloud Identity and Security Best Practices    
WG - eGovernment    
WG - Federation Interoperability    
WG - Healthcare Identity Assurance    
WG - Identity Assurance    
WG - Consent and Information Sharing    
WG - Japan    
WG - Telecommunications Identity    

WG - Open Trust Taxonomy for OAuth2 - OTTO

WG - User Managed Access    

WG - User Managed Access - Developer Resources


WG - Identity Relationship Management

DG - Identities of Things    

Quarterly Report Template

1. What is the hot topic in your WG or DG this quarter?

2. What events are members of your group planning to attend in the next quarter where talking about Kantara might make an impact?

3. What deliverables is your group focusing on next based on your group's charter?

4. What do you really want to get people excited about to encourage participation in your area?