LC Trust Framework Sub-Committee

LC Trust Framework Sub-Committee


The LC-TF-SC has been created simply to help coordinate the work of the different groups within Kantara Initiative who are driving Trust Framework activities.  The LC-TF-SC identifies convergence and divergence points between each group's TF activities with the goal of steering toward alignment.  Finally, the LC-TF-SC also helps each Kantara Initiative activity to better align with non-Kantara Initiative originating activities (examples may include: ABA-IdM-Task-Force, OIX, CDT, ITU-T, ISO, OECD, etc). The LC-TF-SC is comprised of leadership from each WG, DG and Liaison Sub-Committee. The LC-TF-SC meets to discuss activities once a month and potentially more on an ad-hoc basis as needed.

Mail List:

Archives - Only WG/DG chairs and invited guests may participate on the LC-TF-SC list.


LC-TF-SC Representatives:


Groups Foci

Identity Assurance WG

REP: Myisha Frazier-McElveen

  • Manages development of the IAF stack
  • IAF oversight/coordination from the ARB as it relates to certification
  • Developing Relying Party Guidelines
  • Supporting materials for IAF (Profile Creation Guidelines)

Privacy Framework SC

REPS: Anna Slomovic, Mark Lizar

  • Defining baseline Privacy criteria for Trust Framework Certification

eGovernment WG

REPS: Colin Wallis

  • Focusing specifically on eGov deployment guidelines and providing an over arching multi-national input and perspective which touches each Trust Framework component in the government context.

Liaison BoT-SC

REPS: Richard Trevorah, Patrick Curry

  • Providing review of confidential documents from various liaisons.  Role of importance to align KI efforts with Liaison efforts.

Business Cases for Trusted Frameworks DG

REP: Rainer Hörbe

  • Identifying successful business models around trusted federation services

Federation Interoperability WG

REP: John Bradley

  • Developing the 'pipes' for federation interoperability.  This group develops tools for listing service adoption and operationalization.

Health Identity Assurance WG

REP: John Fraser, Pete Palmer

  • Developing with eCitizen the Patient ID Service (PIDS).  Possibly well positioned for Credential Service Provider (CSP) certification.

User Managed Access WG

REPS: Eve Maler, Maciej Machulak

  • Providing a more user-centric perspective regarding to how end user actor may leverage management to apply policy an access controls to resources.

Info-Sharing WG

REPS: Iain Henderson, Joe Andrieu

  • Providing a more user-centric approach via Mydex activites in progress where the user is more positioned with controls.


REP: Rainer Hoerbe

  • Cross-organizationally sponsored WG (under Creative Commons Share-Alike) formed to complete a TFMM for submission into liaison orgs and for reference to Kantara and community efforts. (Sponsored by KI Members, OIX, ABA, etc)  (Aims to contribute work to ITU-T, potentially other bodies).