Awareness at Presentment

Awareness at Presentment

Page Status: DRAFT

Priority: P2

Description (User Story)

We want to establish a platform of principles to ensure the integrity, safety and privacy of our identity product.

Our goal is to create a trusted identity presentment experience that aligns with our core privacy tenants of minimization, control, transparency and security.  These efforts foster trust across the entire ecosystem and are a fundamental pillar of adoption.


Charlie is on their way to visit their grandmother out of state.  Charlie plans on flying in order to see her grandmother as it is unfeasible to drive.  Charlie had heard about the ability for citizens to add their ID to their mobile device and use it while traveling through TSA security checkpoints.  Charlie completed the steps necessary to add their ID to their mobile device and was able to successfully provision their ID.  

Once at the TSA security checkpoint, Charlie taps on the identity reader in order to begin the transaction.  At this point, Charlie can clearly see a couple of items to note of on their mobile device that indicate informed consent.

1) Charlie can clearly see all of the data elements that are being requested by the TSA.  Charlie notices that the TSA is only asking for a specific subset of information from their ID.

2) Charlie can clearly see who is requesting her identity information.  This is down via the name and icon for the TSA.  

3) Charlie can clearly see if the TSA is intending on retaining any particular element via the intent to retain variable.  In this case, no information is intended to be retained.

4) After reviewing the information, Charlie decides to proceed with the transaction.

Post transaction, Charlie can clearly see all of the information that was requested by the TSA, if they planned on storing it in addition to having access to the TSA identity data privacy policy.  This identity specific data privacy policy offers simple explanations outlining why the TSA plans on storing any particular data and for how long.

 Secondary Use Case (optional)

This is a sample added by john


ActorRole in the use case

User Stories

As a,<description of user>
I want<functionality>
so that<benefit>
Acceptance Criteria
Given<how things begin>
When<action taken>
Then<outcome of taking action>

Prerequisites / Assumptions


Use Case Details


Data Provided

Data Retained



Primary Use Case

The anticipated normal sequence





Secondary Use Case(s)

Alternate or variant sequences





Sequence Diagram

End State

Describe what measures or signifies the end of the case


Markers or metrics that indicate success



Markers or metrics that indicate failure



Champion / Stakeholder

List of the people that created the use case

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