5-14-2010 Draft fundraising letter

5-14-2010 Draft fundraising letter

Fundraising letter - draft 5-14-2010

Dear Potential Funder;

Healthcare is moving rapidly to embrace electronic information exchange but there are significant challenges that must be overcome to make this a success. Accurate patient identification and privacy management are two such challenges. The Kantara Initiative is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensure secure, identity based, online interactions while preventing misuse of personal information enabling networks to become trustworthy environments.

One Kantara effort now underway is to design and prototype a patient-focused portal solution that would allow patients to securely interact with their providers nationally, in an open, secure and replicable way. The standards developed would be promoted as a national standard and support connectivity with the emerging Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN).

The Health Identity Assurance Work Group of Kantara is leading this charge and has recently approved a project to design and prototype this patient portal. The Work Group intends to hire the eCitizen Foundation to assist in this project.

In order to get started, the Work Group must raise $20,000, donated to the non-profit Kantara Group. Your company’s involvement in funding or otherwise supporting this project would be much appreciated.

The legal stuff:
“Any company or organization wishing to sponsor specific work of the Kantara Initiative through financial contributions should first discuss the details with representatives of the appropriate Kantara Initiative Work Group. Upon agreement to the details, Kantara Initiative will issue an invoice to the sponsoring organization for the agreed upon amount. Payment may then be made using one of several approved methods (check, wire transfer or credit card). If
you have questions, please contact the Health Identity Work Group co-chairs, John Fraser (john.fraser at mednetworld.com), Richard Moore (rkmoore at dmeconsult.com), Pete Palmer (pete.palmer at surescripts.com) or Kantara staff through Dervla O'Reilly (dervla at kantarainitiative.org).”


Fundraising possibilities:

Fundraising amount: Goal is $50,000
a. Phase One: $20,000 will get the project started, to develop design and prototype
b. Phase Two: ~$30,000 additional, would hopefully get to a full operating pilot, and might get certification of the software.

Possible prospects for fundraising:

  1. Google
  2. Microsoft
  3. PayPal
  4. Amazon
  5. Kantara – Corporate
  6. Kantara Work Group Members
  7. Health insurance companies
  8. Consumer related foundations
  9. SureScripts
  10. Oracle / Sun
  11. Yahoo
  12. Salesforce
  13. SAP
  14. Janrain
  15. PHR vendors (TBD)
  16. Revolution Health
  17. Akamai
  18. Facebook

How can the White House (Ely Kahn, National Security Staff, The White House - or at least someone in the White House) support this project?

1. Money
a. Fund part of the work
b. Help to reach other funding sources
2. Influence
a. Promote the project, say nice things about it.
b. Recommend that others to support it.
3. Access
a. Provide access to organizations, people and resources
b. Assist with introductions, contacts, and expressions of support
4. Collaboration
a. Work with us
b. Review and provide input
5. Facilitation
a. Assist in various ways using your position to help us to complete the project