HIAWG Work Item Terms of Reference TEMPLATE

HIAWG Work Item Terms of Reference TEMPLATE

About this template

This page is a template Terms of Reference for HIAWG Work Items. Please COPY this template and complete it before starting a new Work Item. Work Item ToR should be approved by HIAWG during a regular call.

Work Item Title (short) The name by which this work item will be known. Keep it short. Should end in "Report", "Proposed Standard" or other noun signifying the 'physical' deliverable.
Work Item Information 
Type of work item "Report", "Proposed Standard", "Reference Document", "Feasibility Study", "Glossary", "Registry", "Assessment Criteria", or similar noun.
Commissioned by (Sponsor) 

Identify the Sponsor - the person who declared the need for this work item. Should be an individual. The individual may represent a group or organization - if so, include that information.

This should be an entity with a direct interest in the outcome of the work item. The Sponsor is not necessarily the target consumer of this work. The Sponsor is accountable for advising and directing the working team on content to ensure the purpose is achieved.

Commissioned for the purpose of State the rationale behind doing this work and creating this deliverable. Work items should be publishable (post-approval) and directly add value to the Commission-er and the Target Consumer. Indirect or general work should be the exception, not the rule.
Synopsis Describe the expected content. Is this Research on a subject? Guidance? Requirements? Standards? Criteria?
Work item Beneficiaries 

Who or what will benefit and realize value from this work item? This can be individuals, types of entities, organizations or industry associations.

These are typically called 'stakeholders' - representatives of these beneficiaries should be eager to contribute to the work, see real reasons to do the work, and be able to provide either Requirements or Content directly based on their experience or needs.

General Approach Describe the high level approach to create the work item. Interviews? Subject Matter Experts contributing material? Internet/document research? Case Study? Testing?
Meeting Minutes Cross-Reference Reference at least one HIAWG meeting where the Work item was discussed during origination.
Work item Timelines 
Terms of Reference Date The date this Terms of Reference was substantially complete and ratified by the HIAWG. This is effectively the start date of this work.
Deadline Date If there is an actual deadline date for the work item, state it here. Do not use false dates to try to force progress - they have negative long term effects.
HIAWG First Review Date The date by which the HIAWG should expect to see work in progress for discussion or review. Adjust as needed until it occurs.
HIAWG Final Draft Date The anticipated for the Final Draft to be delivered to the HIAWG for next steps (ratification, review cycle, etc.)
Sponsor Receipt Date The anticipated date for delivery to the Sponsor (in draft or final state - you choose)
Work item Desired Outcomes and Results 
The Expected Value Increase 

Identify how the beneficiaries will realize value and benefit from this work. Use phrases like: "Beneficiary X decreases time to become approved" or "Beneficiary Y increases market penetration". The pattern is {{ Beneficiary }} {{ Increases OR Decreases }} {{ Business objective or thing }}

For each Beneficiary, there should be at least 3 beneficial outcomes - if fewer, they are probably not Beneficiaries.

Work item Resource Assignments 
Leader responsible for delivery The individual (plus one alternate if needed) who is accountable for delivering the completed Work item to the HIAWG. The Leader must stay in contact with the Sponsor as the work progresses.
Individual Contributors The list of individuals who are actively contributing. Optionally, indicate how they are contributing (Writer, SME, Reviewer, Editor, etc). Please try to avoid listing contributors who do not actually contribute to the work.
Kantara Resources Staff required to support this work item (pre-approval by Executive Director required)
Work item File Locations 
Wiki A link to the Wiki space for this work item
Listserv If email tools other than the normal HIAWG lists are used, declare them here