ANCR Presentation: Think Digital @Westiminster in London UK, (Postponed to October)

ANCR Presentation: Think Digital @Westiminster in London UK, (Postponed to October)

Establishing the Commons Rule Book For Digital Identity: 

ANCR will be presenting, the Digital Transparency at Think Digital @ Westminster in London UK, June 11. Covering the inclusive ANCR Record and Receipt Framework for the Digital Commons, International secure governance of digital identity and digital identity polkicy. 

Presenting the Data Trust Commons Architecture for the PII Controller Notice Credential along with the Consent Receipt v2, Consent Tokens for Trustworthy Identity, and the ANCR Transparency Performance Scheme for scaling the data governance and regulation online, for regulators and policy makers. 

Presenting a New Digital Privacy & Trust Paradigm for Consent

Covering Digital Transparency Stack: For legislators and regulators 

  • PII Controller Credential, Addressing the inherent risks of un-regulated digital identity technology, wh 

  • ANCR Transparency Performance Scheme A record and receipt specifications apart of the 

  • The Use in Age Assurance, the Canadian Consent standards approach 

    • Kantara ANCR Comments Submitted to 27568-2 Age Assurance Benchmarking, to add a transparency record, and provide ‘when appropriate’ a consent receipt. 

  • ISO/IEC - 27091 - Security and Privacy in Gen AI with the Commons Data Trust Governance Model 

    • The ANCR WG, submitted through the Kantara ISO/IEC liaison a use case for implementing ANCR to address security and privacy risks in generative AI. (link)

Consent as Distributed and Decentralised Data Governance 

A new category of governance. in which the law record of notice and receipts for consent are standardised, fixing the semantics of security and identity which are deeply flawed with mis-information. 

Technical Transparency is required to scale Digital Privacy, but it must be open and international framework to scale trust.

  • Open international law, and open free to access internationals standards are required for digital transparency to scale. 

The ANCR WG, has been working on developing the technical specifications for the PII Controller notice record and consent receipt, which uses the ISO/IEC 29100 security and privacy framework standard, to specify digital transparency record and consent receipts for. Request to open the Consent Record Structure, 27560 Consent Record Information Structure, which is based on the Kantara Consent Receipt, and ISO/IEC 29184 Online Privacy notice and consent standard are currently being submitted and reviewed. The three standards, can then be openly used to scale ANCR Record and Receipt framework as the Commonwealth standard. 

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