Case Study: Patient-Mediated and -Directed Health Data Sharing

Case Study: Patient-Mediated and -Directed Health Data Sharing

The goal of the HealthyMePHR implementation is to explore providing patient-mediated information sharing by providing a secure, private method for sharing clinical data while solving today's interoperability challenges. 

The system provides an easy mechanism for the patient to store their clinical data in a secure cloud location. The patient can then easily define their own sharing policies. This approach allows patients to easily share their clinical data with other trusted users, including physicians both in and out of their primary network, relatives, or other advocates.  Once the patient has shared with a trusted user, that user can easily access the patient’s clinical data.

This solution is built on new HL7 interoperability and security models, which enables access to other interoperability systems. As the industry evolves, systems will be able to access clinical data when needed. This opens many powerful benefits for the healthcare community. 

Currently both physicians and patients spend too much time coordinating the movement of their clinical data from one health care organization to another.  The technology is there, but has not been readily accessible to patients or providers.  When this capability is truly available in a wide but secure environment, the ability to dynamically access and exchange clinical data will dramatically improve the ability to deliver better health care at lower cost.

Much more information about this case study is available here.

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