Case study template

Case study template

Case Study: fill-in-name


Brief intro text, describing applicable audiences, vertical industry sectors, etc.

Problem Scenario

Brief problem statement

Current Situation

Optional subsection documenting how the problem is solved today, ideally with protocol and/or process flows.


Analysis of problems with current situation

Gaps in Other Technologies

Optional subsection documenting where OAuth, OpenID Connect, SAML, etc. are insufficient or inappropriate.

Proposed Improvements

Brief statement of how UMA will be used as an improvement

Solution Scenario

Identify the UMA "constellation", likely policy statements needed, OAuth grant flows likely to be leveraged (how parties authenticate into the AM to get PATs and AATs issued), system rules/trust framework/binding obligations implications, etc.

Solution Flow

Detail how the UMA protocol and any other required elements are used to solve the problems

Solution Demo

Optional section showing screen shots and/or giving info on existing UMA-based implementations, deployments, etc. for addressing this problem