2018: July

2018: July

Hello everyone

This is the running update from the Executive Director. Have questions or comments? Suggest some added information or edits? Contact ED colin at kantarainitiative dot org.


The rain has finally come to my corner of the south west in the UK, after 2 months of almost continuous hot dry weather. The news is full of heatwave statistics and predictions – a welcome change from Brexit!   

July is the first month since January, where there has not been a conference to speak, showcase and workshop at which takes time and energy to organize and prepare for.  With no conferences, Kantara typically uses July to pause for breath, re-energize and do long overdue maintenance on its documents, processes and procedures. Vacation? Not for me in July, but I have looked on with envy while Kantara members such as @katrynadow tease us with holiday plans and snaps from mountains, beaches and cities around the world. My turn is coming as you read this (wink). I’m taking a few days out in both August and September to rest and re-energize.    

Following the announcement at Idenitiverse in late June that IDESG is transitioning its assets and work to Kantara, July has seen intense activity to settle in IDESG members and participants in their new home. If this news is new to you, here’s my blog on it. Through a series of emails to the IDESG lists, information together with links to the Work Group set up in Kantara, have encouraged current and long-departed participants to re-engage with the great work being done in IDESG and support Kantara to shoulder this new financial burden as increasing numbers have in recent months. In those IDESG emails lists lurk the larger organizations that were keen to be involved in IDESG in its early years but drifted away. If you are from one of those and reading this, please get involved again, now that the work has its new home in Kantara.

Meanwhile, other activity in Kantara continues at pace. Kantara has the perfect panacea to ease the boredom that late summer’s free time brings to folks like you reading this that are not used to having any!

Pre-Register for the Australian Digital Transformation Agency webinar on August 16. The webinar, hosted by Kantara’s eGov WG, features Kantara government member DTA as they walk us through their Trusted Digital Identity Framework.

Pre-Register again for the following week’s (August 21st) webinar by Kantara R&D R&D (KIPI) grant funding recipient Lockstep Technologies (Steve Wilson) as he showcases MDAV (Mobile Device Attribute Verification) a fantastic new technology for use in first responder, healthcare and financial services use cases.

Our GoToMeeting Webinar lines are strictly limited to 50, and we are already more than half full on each Webinar. Don’t delay, register today!

Still need things to do?

Think about the Work and Discussion Groups you maybe joined but haven’t attended in a while. If you’re signed up to the Consent and Information Sharing Work Group rock up to their calls in August as they put the finishing touches to the Consent Receipt Interoperability demo to be showcased at MyData 2018. Huge thanks to solution providers collaborating together to make this happen – Consentua, digi.me, iWelcome, Trunomi, Ubisecure, UNLOQ and the individual contributor volunteers under the oversight of John Wunderlich and Andrew Hughes.  You might want to check out the interview questions being drafted for clients of a similar suite of platform providers in the Consent Management Solutions Best Practice Work Group. Want to go more technical? Head to the IDoT Discussion Group where an architecture for a smart city use case is being worked on.

We have had a surge in new members joining as Individual Contributors arising from the IDESG transition. Thank you people! Please join me in welcoming to Kantara – Catherine Schultern, Mary Hodder, Dr Tom Sullivan, Barry Hieb, Rob Macmillan and Steve Hutchinson.  

Make the most of August, the last month off the conference circuit that starts with our friends MyData in Helsinki on August 29. Attend in person or stream, but whichever way you do it, be sure to catch the Consent Receipt interop demo.  

Kind Regards,


Around the Houses:


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work Group and Discussion Groups directly off the Leadership Council's Blog. See the list of public groups here.

  • Block your calendar: Thursday August 16th, 3pm CET, 2pm BST, 9am US Eastern, 6am US Pacific: eGov WG is hosting a webinar featuring Kantara member the Australian Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) on the world's newest released national Trust Framework, the Trusted Digital Idenitiy Framework. The Links to register are in the text above.  

  • Consent Receipt v1.1 is being prepared for an interoperability demo at MyData in Helsinki August 29-31. Thank you contributors Trunomi, iWelcome, digi.me, KnowNow Information, UNLOQ Systems Ltd, Open Consent Group, UbiSecure, John Wunderlich and Associates, Robert Lapes and Andrew Hughes. 
  • Stand by for new news regarding the IRM work group's use of Graphing technology as members and non member participants begin to assemble around this work.  
  • As always our Specifications, Recommendations and Reports are available for download from our Reports and Recommendations web repository - now with frictionless access.  

Events: See them all here! 

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