2013 August
2013 August
Welcome to the Directors corner.
This is the running update from the Kantara Initiative Executive Director's office. Have questions or comments? Suggest some added information or edits? Contact the ED (Joni Brennan).
- ISO/ITU-T: Next activities on the way in preparation of Liaison Statements.
- EHNAC / DirectTrust: MoUs signed and PR has been published. The next actions will take place under the HIAWG TigerTeam. If you'd like to get involved join HIAWG.
- IDESG: MoU signed making Kantara the first formal liaison of IDESG. We look forward to collaborating.
New Activities:
- NSTIC Resilient Network: We are moving forward to begin work to identify a set of Service Assessment Criteria that is applicable to actors in the Resilient Network. This work will take place as part of a sub-team of the IAWG. If you have interest in participating please join the IAWG or contact the ED.
- HIAWG: HIAWG TigerTeam draft to determine feasibility of inter-Trust Framework recognition.
- UMA: Crowdtilt campagin has tilted to build OAuth 2.0 and OpenID plug-ins for apache server. This is a core component to "hook-up" UMA.
New Members:
- MedAllies
- Resilient Network
- Dr Jeremy Creasy
- ForgeRock upgrades to Trustee
- Spotlights: If you would like your organization to be highlighted please contact the ED.
- LC: The LC asks all WG/DGs leadership to fill out the new shorter version status reports. Please return to LC@ mail list.
- LC: Building from the leadership retreat the LC ask all WGs to update their charter to be aligned with the new draft "why" statement of Kantara. Updates to charters are due in to LC by Sept 25. See the Leadership Retreat Summary for more details.
- Interns: The LC has draft text in the works to start seeking interns. The LC believes Kantara Initiative has great opportunities for students interested in Identity, Trust, Privacy – and just Industry Standards Consortia in general. If you know a student who would be interested to participate contact the ED.
- Event Planning Radar: An Event Radar page has been created to track events where Kantara should put its energy and resources toward participation. Please note this page tactical and to be used to determine where we put our resources. Members can add events for consideration of Kantara participation by editing the page (using their wiki credential) or contacting staff @ kantarainitiative.org. There is also a community calendar that lists group meetings as well as any, and all, events that touch the IdM/IAM spaces. The community and meeting calendar is not tactical but informational.
- Oct 14 - Workshop: Panels and discussions around Trusted IDX at the Smart Card Alliance on Oct 14.
- Oct 15-16 User Centric ID Live: Various Kantara speakers. ED speaking in regard to Drivers and Innovators of Identity Management.
- Oct 28 - Workshop: Kantara Initiative has nearly locked in contract for a venue to host a workshop in the vicinity of RSA EU on October 28. Seeking organizations to partner to plan a collaborative event around the RSA EU event this year in Amsterdam - October 29-31.
- Oct 31-Nov 1 - UMA IOP1: Hosted at MIT, sponsored by ForgeRock and others this ad-hoc event will test interop of UMA features in context of OAuth 2.0 and OIDC. More information.
- Nov 10-11 - Plenary: Planned for Nov 10-11 in the vicinity of IETF in Vancouver, BC.
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