2018: October

2018: October

Hello everyone

This is the running update from the Executive Director. Have questions or comments? Suggest some added information or edits? Contact ED colin at kantarainitiative dot org.


Two down, one to go!

I'm squeezing in this Director’s Corner during a weekend back in the UK after two conference weeks on the road and a third about to start. Together with the Working Group Chairs, I’m so looking forward to the US time falling back one hour to bring to an end the seasonal time slew with Europe so we can return to predictable call times.   

October was pretty full-on for Kantara.

The month began with the ISO SC27 meetings in Gjovik Norway where Leadership Council Chair Andrew Hughes represented us as our liaison officer.  Andrew is rapporteur for a study period on identity assurance best practice and, given the concentration of expertise on this topic in Kantara, we expect to soon socialize the call for contributions for use cases. If Kantara members in good standing want to contribute to Identity Management and Privacy standardization in SC27 WG5 please join Kantara's Board sub-committee.

That same week I had two long-standing meeting commitments in London whose outcomes I hope to share in due course.

Along with a large group of Kantarians, I participated in the Internet Identity Workshop in Mountain View. Great sessions on

  • UMA from OAuth’s George Fletcher and HIE of One’s Adrian Gropper, 
  • Consent Receipt from ITIM’s Andrew Hughes and 
  • related Consent Receipt activities and ideas from ID Machines’ Sal D’Agostino and Tom Jones, with support from Mary Hodder, digi.me’s Jim Pasquale, Jim Fournier and Steve Hutchinson.

Interest in doing work in Kantara came from a range of organizations, leveraging work groups and the Assurance Program. Stand by for news of those at the end of the year. We finished off the week with the North American members plenary where members and guests discussed some of the ideas socialized to Kantara at IIW in more detail.

Next up was Consumer Identity World in Amsterdam where it was the turn of our European based members and non-member participants to rally around the Rhythm of Kantara session last Wednesday. I presented an overview which was followed by Ubisecure’s Keith Uber demonstrating the Consent Receipt’s interoperability functions, and a panel featuring Wedacon’s Thorsten Neibhur, WS02’s Sagara Gunathunga, Keith Uber, Meeco’s Katryna Dow and Nixu’s Ville Niemi supported by David Reede and others in the audience. These folks are developing, implementing or promoting Kantara's specifications and industry best practice.  

Next week, it’s Brussels and the ISSE conference in concert with our key European Liaison EEMA. We will host the Kantara hour starting with an overview of Kantara, followed by Oscar Santolalla from Ubisecure demonstrating the Kantara Consent Receipt in action, and Mark Lizar from Open Consent Group presenting "Operationalising privacy, with security & surveillance". I’ll report on this in our Keeping up with the Kantarians newsletter mid-month. 

The All Member Ballot for the minor changes to the 800-63-3 Service Assessment Criteria documents passed unanimously. Thank you all those who took time out to review and vote. We have another ballot for the revised Operating Procedures in the hopper. Stand by folks.  

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Airside Mobile (known for its Mobile Passport for US travelers) to the membership of Kantara. Peter Davis has wasted no time in getting engaged in consent receipt work in the CISWG and continues his participation in UMA. Thank you Peter, and thank you Airside Mobile! Thanks also to ID Machines (Sal D’Agostino) and Netherlands based Qroot consulting (Gershon Janssen) for their renewals.

Kind Regards,


Around the Houses:


Program, Work Group and Discussion Group Updates:

  • You can always keep up with the latest news from the Work and Discussion Groups directly on the Leadership Council's Blog. See the list of public groups here.

  • As always, our Specifications, Recommendations and Reports are available for download from our Reports and Recommendations web repository - now with frictionless access.  

Events: See them all here! 

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