IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-04-21

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-04-21

Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance WG Teleconference


Date and Time


  1. Administration:
    1. Roll Call
    2. Agenda Confirmation
    3. Minutes Approval:
      1. DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-04-07
      2. DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-03-24
    4. Action Item Review (Action Items Log)
    5. Organization Updates - Director's Corner
    6. Staff reports and updates
    7. LC reports and updates
    8. Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews or #kantara)
  2. Discussion
    1. Motion to approve charter
    2. Motion to approve statement of requirements
    3. Update on R&D program
    4. Update on privacy criteria
    5. Discussion of new ideas for DGs and WGs
  3. AOB
  4. Adjourn


Link to IAWG Roster

As of 2015-11-05, quorum is 5 of 9


Meeting achieved quorum




  • Scott shorter
  • Ken Dagg
  • Andrew Hughes 
  • Paul Caskey
  • Adam Madlin


  • Christine Abruzzi
  • Nagesh Gummadivalli 


  •  Ruth Puente


  • None


Notes & Minutes


Minutes Approval

  1. DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-04-07
  2. DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2016-03-24

Motion to approve minutes of 2016-04-07 and 2016-03-24 Andrew Moves to approve, .
Seconded: Adam and Paul Second
Motion Carried

Action Item Review

Staff Updates

  •  Ken: Kantara Inc is coming together nicely, finances are improving, members paying their dues. Request to be a non-profit will be submitted to IRS soon.
  • Andrew: transition is settling down on all fronts. Administrative details of transition to nonprofit status. Kantara will have a presence at IIW next week, at European conference in May and the cloud identity summit in June.
LC Updates
  • Andrew: working  on a  few fronts - ideas for new discussion groups and working groups, stoking the fire on innovation. Block chain, relying party, other topics.
  • Ken: briefed by legal counsel on how IPR can work for presentations. Will identity the IPR rules for the presentation to protect Kantara work.
Participant updates
  •  Intro to Nagesh: identity and access management background, working with Octave, extra time.



Scott moves the approved the IAWG charter draft as reviewed on today's meeting and submit to leadership council for review. Andrew seconds the motion.  With no further discussion the motion passes.


A discussion of the goals of the work item to identify the objectives of the criteria, there's a second portion not covered in this section. Three deliverables: list of objectives, list of concerns with the current SAC, estimate to.  Ken moves to approve it, to pass it along to Leadership Council. Scott seconds the .


Received several interested parties that are seeking funding, one existing project, two applications. Five potential candidates for projects in the process of applications. Ken asked if there's a final date for receipt of white papers, the idea is to get most of them by June. DHS would like to get the projects by June.  Andrew explains that this is another call for proposals, for novel research with usable results.  The program is an open call.m program details are available of the Kantara  wiki.  

privacy criteria 

  • Good discussion last week. Ken will be talking to folks from GEANT  they talked about a code of conduct. Ken will talk to them.  Jenn Behrens will come to the meeting next week.
  • Question from Ken about whether Privacy criteria should be tied to level of assurance. Andrew responds that for 800-63 is about strength of ID proofing, so it may not be related to privacy.  Assurance is evidence that you're taking the measures.  Higher levels of assurance may require more effort to verify.  With respect to the Kantara publications, it's hard to say.  It seems to be applicable across levels of assurance.
  • Scott agrees with Andrew that.
  • Adam supports the development of privacy criteria.
  • Invitation to Jenn Behrens
  • With respect to updates on 800-63 coming out, we will keep an eye out for announcements and play it by ear

New discussion groups

anyone with ideas for new groups should get in touch with Andrew Hughes 


we will start the process for a new version of the SAC - Richard Wilsher sent the lest editors version, will check that the change approved.  Half the meeting on new version of SAC next week.



Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, 2016-05-05
  • Time: 12:00 PT | 15:00 ET
  • Time: 12:00 PDT | 15:00 EDT
  • United States Toll +1 (805) 309-2350
  • Alternate Toll +1 (714) 551-9842
    Skype: +99051000000481
    • Conference ID: 613-2898
  • International Dial-In Numbers