IAWG Meeting Minutes 2017-12-07
IAWG Meeting Minutes 2017-12-07
- Administration:
- Roll Call
- Agenda Confirmation
- Minutes approval IAWG Meeting Minutes 2017-11-30
- Action Item Review: action item list
- Organization Updates - Director's Corner
- Staff reports and updates
- LC reports and updates
- Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews or #kantara)
- Discussion
Discuss the errata changes to 63A_SAC and 63B_ SAC and the ´SHOULD´s`
As of 2017-03-16, quorum is 4 of 8 (see list box below for voting members)
Meeting (did) achieve quorum
- Mark Hapner, Resilient
- Denny Prvu, Secretary
- Scott Shorter, IAWG Vice Chair
- Ken Dagg. IAWG Chair
- Andrew Hughes, LC Chair
- Richard Wilsher, Zygma
- José Lopez, Zentry
- Ross O´Neill, Athenahealth
- Colin Wallis, KI ED
- Ruth Puente, KI Executive
- None
Notes & Minutes
Staff Updates
Director's Corner October Report
Mark Hapner moves to approve the meeting minutes. Scott second. Minutes approved with no objections.
Action items – 1) SAC A/B. 2) How to deal with GSA TFS CONOPS and Certification Process
RGW presented 63A and 63B SACs and guided the group through the excel sheets.
Next meeting 12/14 to review changes and approve.
All member IPR review planned for 12/15 after approval. End of Jan (45d) 1/29, then a week to get things under control, LC approval 2/2, all member ballot 2/9, 14 days for all members.
AOB? None and done.
, multiple selections available,