2018-04-19 IAWG Minutes
2018-04-19 IAWG Minutes
Voting participants: Jose Lopez, Zentry; Scott Shorter, Vice Chair; Ken Dagg, Chair; Mark Hapner, Resielient; JJ Harkema, Experian; Denny Prvu, Secretary.
Non-voting participants: Jim Fenton
Staff: Colin Wallis; Ruth Puente
Quorum: There was quorum (5 voting participants out of 8)
Minutes Approval
March 1st and April 12th draft minutes were approved by motion.
ED Update:
- CW commented that members should receive by email "Keep up with Kantara: April 2018", which is a brief form of the quarterly newsletter.
- He added that there is a soft launch of join Kantara online, the team has integrated CiviCRM into the Wordpress website.
- ARB is adjusting schedule to address the increasing demand of reviews, in particular due to the release of 800-63-3 Trust Mark.
- Upcoming Events: Privacy Summit in London and Kantara European Members Plenary and AGM 2018. See: https://kantarainitiative.org/events/
LC: Several recommendations will be available for All Member Ballot, including SAML V2.0 Implementation Profile for Federation Interoperability.
NIST 800-63-3 Implementation Guidance
- SS commented that IAWG has taken the input from NIST on strengths of evidence for various types of federal IDs and is seeking inputs from the community (assessors, CSPs) for their own rationale for items they would like to include.
- It was informed that those interested to contribute should send a request to ruth@kantarainitiative.org so RP can provide you access to the Google Sheet that IAWG is developing.
- SS estimates that the process of collecting and refining comments would be 1 month.
- Jim Fenton, one of the authors of 800-63-3 said that NIST is working on the "Implementation resources", the intend is to provide an additional commentary. They will use GitHub to seek comments and are currently working on the publication methodology details. He estimates this will be announced in a few weeks.
- CW commented that it would be good to add possible combination of evidence that would take to strong for example.
OMB policy draft
- First compilation of comments will be reviewed on the next meeting April 26th, instructions will be sent to the mailing list.