2023-11-30 Minutes

2023-11-30 Minutes

  1. Administration:

    • Roll call and determination of quorum. Andrew Hughes called the meeting to order.  The meeting was quorate.

      • Voting-Andrew Hughes, Mark King, Michael Magrath, Mark Hapner, Jimmy Jung, Zaid AlBukhari

      • Non-Voting-Yehoshua Silbersten

      • Guests

      • Staff-Amanda Gay, Kay Chopard

    • Minutes approval 

    • Kantara Updates:

      • AGM meeting: Register here

        1. Dec 5, 10:00 AM, 2 hour meeting

      • BoD elections will be open after for member voting (new candidates: Mike Magrath and Eve Maler)

      • Current board has been working on bylaws to streamline governance

      • Kay’s travel: 

        1. Singapore - Identity Week Asia

          1. Countries like Thailand rely heavily on NIST guidelines, there may be additional things we could do to be helpful in those countries.

          2. Gave 3 different presentations.

        2. London - Future Identity Festival

          1. Kay delivered keynote speech.

          2. Moderated a bankers’ discussion of useful tools for that industry.

        3. In general, Kantara is asked to talk more about DEIA in digital identity.

        4. Reminder about monthly newsletter-sign up (email staff@kantarainitiative.org for sign-up assistance).

    • Assurance Updates:

      • ARB has continued to meet, no new trustmarks, but things are in progress (feedback provided to applicants, etc)

    • Kantara Initiative Comments Preparation for NIST’s Implementation of National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology - Denny Prvu has registered an intent to submit on behalf of Kantara Initiative and will be sending comments for review and feedback to the listserv.

      • Due December 5th, please respond with comments/feedback ASAP.

  2.  Discussion:  

    • Continued Address of Record Discussion

      • Reviewed past Action Items

        1. UPDATED ACTION: Kantara’s position on Address of Record - Yehoshua will make a first attempt drafting position, discuss early drafts with Andrew, then circulate via the listserv.

          1. Reminder -  NIST is on the broader group

          2. Deadline-have a position drafted for discussion by the first meeting in January (January 11, 2024) with a quick turnaround.Goal is to have a position by the first meeting in January

          3. Mike Magrath notes that the earlier we can get it to NIST the better, as the new version may be released in March.

    • Charter and restructuring

      • Wiki link containing a PDF and a Word doc: 2024 Charter review process

      • Two goals

        1. Clean it up

          1. Reduce current charter text to minimum to describe the what and why of IAWG (prior to Christmas break)

          2. Clarify language.

        2. Expansionary discussion

      • ACTION:  IAWG members are to review the charter and provide comments.  The charter discussion will continue on December 14th.  

        1. Guidelines:

          1. Refer to the numbering in the PDF, but make comments in the Word doc.

          2. If something is confusing, please comment.

          3. Don’t assume things are there for a purpose.

          4. Note any omissions for later inclusion.

  3. Any Other Business

    • Elections and officer roles

      • Denny will be stepping down as Vice-Chair going into 2024.

      • Andrew intends to run again as chair.

      • Group will be seeking a Vice Chair, encourages others to explore the opportunity.

      • Elections will take place the first meeting in January, if needed.

    • No meeting next week (December 7th).

    • Will regroup on December 14th with charter discussion and if there is AoR material.

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