eBallot - Proposed 63A#0180 Revisions ) CLOSED

eBallot - Proposed 63A#0180 Revisions ) CLOSED

This Wiki page initiates an IAWG eBallot for voting members to approve the Proposed 63A#0180 Revisions 

Motions re. adoption of proposed changes to 63A#0180.pdf

63A#0180 interpretation 2024-04-03.xlsx

Rationale and Instructions:
  • Chair Andrew Hughes requested this vote be done via eballot.
  • Please review the documents and cast your vote by June 6, 2024, 5PM ET
  • A vote of 'abstain' counts toward quorum. If you believe there is additional discussion warranted, please vote 'further discussion' and this item will be placed on the next agenda to discuss. 

Motion #1:  That the subject proposed changes to criterion 63A#0180 be approved by the IAWG as presented and that the KI Secretariat publish them without delay as the latest criteria set (KIAF-1430 SP 800-63A SAC-SoCA v5.1).

Motion #2:  That the subject changes be approved as being Non-material in nature*, and in their publication, be processed accordingly by the KI Secretariat.

Supporting Documents:

Linked above


Please cast your vote here

5 "Approve" votes are needed

Eballot Results - KIAF Proposed 63A#0180 Revisions.pdf

Closing Date:Thursday, June 6, 2024 5PM ET