Landscape of Trust Framework Efforts

Landscape of Trust Framework Efforts

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How do current efforts within AM DG currently support the Kantara Trust Framework initiative? ( Please qualify with an overarching statement and bullet-pointed work efforts for the roadmap.)


How do current efforts withing eGOV currently support the Kantara Trust Framework initiative? ( Please qualify with an overarching statement and bullet-pointed work efforts for the roadmap.)


How do current efforts withing FIWG currently support the Kantara Trust Framework initiative? ( Please qualify with an overarching statement and bullet-pointed work efforts for the roadmap.)


How do current efforts within HIAWG currently support the Kantara Trust Framework initiative? ( Please qualify with an overarching statement and bullet-pointed work efforts for the roadmap.)


How do current efforts within IAWG currently support the Kantara Trust Framework initiative? ( Please qualify with an overarching statement and bullet-pointed work efforts for the roadmap.)


How do current efforts within InfoSharing WG currently support the Kantara Trust Framework initiative? ( Please qualify with an overarching statement and bullet-pointed work efforts for the roadmap.)

P3 WG:

How do current efforts within P3 WG currently support the Kantara Trust Framework initiative? ( Please qualify with an overarching statement and bullet-pointed work efforts for the roadmap.)


How do current efforts within TFMM currently support the Kantara Trust Framework initiative? ( Please qualify with an overarching statement and bullet-pointed work efforts for the roadmap.)


How do current efforts within UMA currently support the Kantara Trust Framework initiative? ( Please qualify with an overarching statement and bullet-pointed work efforts for the roadmap.)

UMA Trust Modelhttp://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/uma/UMA+Trust+Model
This draft document identifies key points during the protocol messaging flow when technical and legal expectations form. It primarily documents axiomatic expectations (in the sense that UMA's very nature determines them – an example might be the way a host expects to be able to outsource authorization services to an authorization manager). Eventually, it will also cover how UMA supports context-specific expectations that can ride on top of specific deployments of the protocol, which we anticipate will pull in mentions of other work being done in Kantara and elsewhere.

UMA Trusted Claimshttp://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/User+Experience#UserExperience-UMATrustedClaims
This slide deck presents UMA's requirements for tClaims, imagining a user experience to match and proposing a solution that involves repeated application of UMA itself to protect the claims. While the concept of trusted or verified claims is generic to identity management and will often appear in classic IdM trust models, note that UMA's particular need for them is specific to the needs of authorization.

Measuring Elements of Trusthttp://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/uma/Measuring+elements+of+Trust
This is an experimental document in which author Domenico Catalano explores how it may be possible to quantify certain aspects of trust that have a subjective nature. While this document uses UMA examples to make its case, it is likely not specific to UMA.