UMA telecon 2011-12-01
UMA telecon 2011-12-01
UMA telecon 2011-12-01
Date and Time
- WG telecon on Thursday, 1 Dec 2011, at 9am PT (time chart) – Eve regrets; vice-chair Maciej is chair pro tem (Thomas took the reins)
- Skype line "C": +9900827042954214
- US: +1-201-793-9022 (other int'l numbers) | Room Code: 295-4214
- Roll call
- 2011 timeline review (see Next Meetings list below)
- Approve minutes of 2011-11-17 meeting
- Action item review
- Trust model user guide update
- FAQ update
- Webinar prep
- Review and refine outline
- Confirm demo/implementation participants
- * UMA core spec editing and issues status
- I-D contribution plans
As of 16 Nov 2011, quorum is 7 of 12.
- Catalano, Domenico
- D'Agostino, Salvatore
- Hardjono, Thomas
- Machulak, Maciej
- Moren, Lukasz
- Szpot, Jacek
- Wray, Frank
- Cox, Kevin
- Eve Maler
- Paul Bryan
- George Fletcher
- Susan Morrow
Roll call
Quorum was reached.
2011 timeline review
- Monday 5 Dec at 1PM-EST: Trust Model ad-hoc call
- Thursday 8 December: weekly UMA telecon.
- Monday 12 December: dry run of Webinar.
- Wednesday 14 December: Webinar day
- Thursday 15 December: weekly UMA telecon.
Approve minutes of 2011-11-17 meeting
Action item review
FAQ on Wiki:
- Paul & Susan absent.
- Lukasz planning to update Wiki (covering Smart-AM) before the webinar.
- Slides from Sampo could be converted for Wiki entry.
Trust model user guide update:
- Group had a telecon on Monday this week to discuss Trust Model.
- The group went through Domenico's slides.
- User Guide remains "work in progress"
- Next step is to put together a written guide as to how to deploy the model with an AM (eg. explaining delegated
authority, etc). - Thomas suggest using the Health Case use-case to concretize. Folks agree.
- The adhoc group will setup another telecon call (Mon 5 Dec).
- Thomas to send Webex dialin info for Monday 5 Dec ad-hoc call.
- Next step is to put together a written guide as to how to deploy the model with an AM (eg. explaining delegated
Webinar prep
- Prep and dry run scheduled for Monday 12 Dec.
- Frank is taking the lead for preparing the Webinar.
- List of Webinar presenters/demos:
- Mario Hoffman
- Lukasz
- Sampo
- Thomas to post Webinar invite/info on IETF OAUTH WG list.
- Folks invited to send answers (to the Webinar questions below) to the UMA list:
- Why would an organization want to operate Authorization Manager?
- Why would an organization want to operate an UMA-enabled host app?
- Frank will attempt to merge the answers into the slides for the webinar.
UMA core spec editing and issues status
Issue #3 [Thomas]
- Thomas has added some text in Section about policy URI.
- Lukasz says that in Smart-AM the policy URI is returned by AM to Host also in the case of a READ and UPDATE commands. This answers Thomas's question to the list on 11/30/2011.
- Thomas will added relevant text to Sections and
Issue #8 (Expiration field in permission ticket)
- Deferred (waiting for Paul's comments on GitHub).
Issue #16 (Host must register permission?)
- Deferred
Issue #24 (audit)
- Group thinks audit is desirable feature for both the AM and the Host.
- From UMA Minutes of 27-Oct-2011, George points out that this whole proposition only makes sense with our current opaque-token option.
- Thomas added github comment yesterday that it would desirable if AM and Host could have a set of audit logs that when brought together could be synchronized (ie. for every token issued by AM, the Host can show a log of events relating to the token/requester).
Issue #25 (limiting claims demanded from AM)
- Summary of issue (thomas): how to prevent the AM from asking claims about my Social Security Number (SSN) when I (as the requester) know that my access request does not need info about my SSN number.
- Domenico: we need to understand better how OpenID-Connect addresses this matter (of AM asking too much attributes).
- Perhaps a set of "cookie-cutter" (pre-published) set of attributes could be made known to the requester so that he/she knows in advance what answers is expected by the AM.
- Domenico and Thomas to take AI to read the relevant OpenID-Connect specs.
Next Meetings
- Trust model ad hoc on Monday, 5 Dec 2011, at 10am PT (time chart) – Thomas's WebEx
- WG telecon on Thursday, 8 Dec 2011, at 9am PT (time chart) – Last telecon before webinar! Approve new I-D rev
- Webinar on Wednesday, 14 Dec 2011, at 10am PT (time chart) – Webinar!
- WG telecon on Thursday, 15 Dec 2011, at 9am PT (time chart)
- WG telecon on Thursday, 22 Dec 2011, at 9am PT (time chart)
- NO WG telecon on Thursday, 29 Dec 2011 – Happy new year!
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