2024-05-21 DEIA Agenda and Meeting Notes

2024-05-21 DEIA Agenda and Meeting Notes

DRAFT Agenda

  1. Admin/Reminders

    1. Complete GPA sign-up and set up Confluence account for add/edit access

    2. Continue to add Resources

    3. Sign up to mailing list (if you haven’t completed a GPA)

    4. Open Call - Presentations for DEIA related programming

  2. Update - Charter will move to the next stage [DRAFT1] Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Working Group Charter

  3. DEIA Survey - Question Review - Question Review - Please review the draft 2024 DEIA survey questions prior to the call and forward any edits directly to Peter Davis (equalspeterd@gmail.com)

  4. Presentation/Discussion with Stephanie Shuckers

  5. Review Session on Criteria for Assessing DEIA Efficacy

  6. AOB

  7. Adjourn



Voting: Liz Banicki, Peter Davis


Staff: Amanda Gay, Karyn Bright, Kay Chopard

Invited Observers/Guests: Geraldine Bradshaw





Date Established




Date Established










The goals status metadata table is used for summary reports - copy the status macros from the table in these instructions:

Status: In Progress Not started Complete



image-20240321-184653.png Discussion Items








Peter Davis

Charter-subcommittee charter will move into a work group charter format. Next step: Take it to Alec Laws and LC for comments and approval

Survey Questions - 2024

Peter Davis

Some answers from prior years seem to be from HR, which is a slightly different focus. (EX: Question #5-open comments-diverse staff)

Kay: from Women in Identity: products for everyone need to be made by everyone.

Peter: would it go to the right people if presented as a bias problem?

Geraldine: considers the themes/goals and persona of the person answering the questions (who are they answering the questions for?)

Peter: preamble to the survey explaining the goals? Would this be helpful to avoid the misrouting?

Geraldine: offers support from Interac, will take results back to team

Kay: noted distinctions with survey goals (wanted it focused on products/value in marketplace solutions, versus other survey offerings)

ACTION/Next Steps: Peter will continue to work to reframe questions in terms of target respondents and summarize results. Geraldine will also take materials back to Interac team for feedback.










Open Action Items

