2024-07-30 DEIA Agenda and Meeting Notes

2024-07-30 DEIA Agenda and Meeting Notes

Draft Agenda

  1. Admin/Reminders

    1. DEIA WG Charter:

      1. Draft 2 available here. Comments incorporated from LC.

      2. 3 signers are needed - Please indicate your willingness to provide a signature on the Charter (via email).

        1. Potential signer: Liz/Id.ME (Jordan to circle back)

      3. Submission to the Leadership Council will happen in August.

    2. Criteria for Assessing Efficacy  + Terminology and Taxonomy:  Please review and submit comments via email or the Wiki directly.

    3. Complete GPA sign-up and set up Confluence account for add/edit access

    4. Continue to add Resources

    5. Sign up to mailing list (if you haven’t completed a GPA)

    6. Open Call - Presentations for DEIA related programming

  2. DEIA Survey - Question Finalization - Please review the draft 2024 DEIA survey questions prior to the call and forward any edits directly to Peter Davis (equalspeterd@gmail.com)

  3. AOB

  4. Adjourn



Voting: Jordan Burris, Peter Davis, Liz Banicki

Non-voting: Eric Hitch

Staff: Amanda Gay, Karyn Bright

Invited Observers/Guests: Gray Perrone





Date Established




Date Established










The goals status metadata table is used for summary reports - copy the status macros from the table in these instructions:

Status: In Progress Not started Complete



image-20240321-184653.png Discussion Items







2024 DEIA Survey


Additional questions from Eric:

Equity in technologies offered?

Equity in data sources?

(Peter to add to draft)

Additional questions from Geraldine related to the framing:

  • Is a demographic less or more comfortable with digital identity service, application?

  • Does the age of participant tell us about how likely they are to use an identity service,

  • Are there exceptions to AODA compliance requirements because using them, can identify a
    User’s age, gender, etc? Is it important to find out, how much is invested in DEIA?
    o Does a lot of money mean dedication?
    o Is there a correlation between how much is invested to degree of DEIA service

  • Other questions related to specific questions to ask RE: compliance, financials

  • Jordan: Typically follow the money to see change, can possibly draw a correlation with investments made and determining if DEIA work is a priority

    • Gray: Lining this up with Q11 will provide an interesting comparison

  • Jordan: Do we need to incorporate any demographic Qs into this next iteration?

  • Peter: Use cases may be more useful.

  • Follow-up to “geographic focus”: Opportunity to get an additional nuance related to populations (priority pushed by government, cultural norm, pushed by people in area)

    • Peter: include free-from/open text to clarify as needed

    • follow-up (What’s the driver for the region?)

  • Investment: Be more specific?

    • Asking for too many details could lead to survey taking fatigue

  • DEIA Challenges (open text)--box it up? This is where struggles with measurement are discussed, etc.

  • Peter-thinking broadly-What are the impediments?

  • Goal is to confirm questions by next meeting (Aug 13), release by September (Identity Week American mid Sept)

Criteria for Assessing Efficacy 


Appreciates feedback from last week, anything to add?

Review comments on Wiki page (click edit to view)

Add items/comments/tweaks by next call (Aug 13), then move forward with formalizing a draft to socialize with other groups. Goal would be to treat these as Kantara recommendations.









Open Action Items

