2024-06-18 DEIA Agenda and Meeting Notes

2024-06-18 DEIA Agenda and Meeting Notes


DRAFT Agenda

  1. Admin/Reminders

    1. Review the DEIA Survey Questions and Results, provide feedback via email or directly on the Wiki Page

    2. Criteria for Assessing Efficacy  + Terminology and Taxonomy:  Jordan will begin populating these pages.  Please review and submit comments via email or the Wiki directly.

    3. Charter:

      1. Please make any final comments via email to Jordan/Peter or via Comments on the Wiki Page.

      2. Please indicate your willingness to provide a signature on the Charter (email).

      3. Submission to the Leadership Council will happen in the next few weeks.

    4. Complete GPA sign-up and set up Confluence account for add/edit access

    5. Continue to add Resources

    6. Sign up to mailing list (if you haven’t completed a GPA)

    7. Open Call - Presentations for DEIA related programming

  2. DEIA Survey - Question Review - Continued Discussion - Please review the draft 2024 DEIA survey questions prior to the call and forward any edits directly to Peter Davis (equalspeterd@gmail.com)

  3. Review Session on Criteria for Assessing DEIA Efficacy

  4. AOB

  5. Adjourn



Voting: Peter Davis, Jordan Burris


Staff: Amanda Gay, Karyn Bright

Invited Observers/Guests:





Date Established




Date Established










The goals status metadata table is used for summary reports - copy the status macros from the table in these instructions:

Status: In Progress Not started Complete



image-20240321-184653.png Discussion Items







Criteria for Assessing Efficacy

Jordan Burris

Initial notes presented on Wiki, will continue to populate until an initial draft is developed and feedback is provided

Peter: FAR/FRR are measured elsewhere, what is Kantara’s unique value-add?

Jordan: These are measured elsewhere, but not applied consistently. Would also like to go one level deeper in terms of accessibility with various demographics.

Charter DRAFT (Google Doc)


Edits being provided on Google Doc

Adjust Charter draft to make sure it clear that the output for a WG would be a set of (technical) recommendations









Open Action Items

