2022-01-06 Minutes

2022-01-06 Minutes


Voting Participants: Martin Smith, Mark King, Mark Hapner, Ken Dagg 

Non-voting participants: Andrew Hughes

Staff: Lynzie Adams

Proposed Agenda

  • Administration:
    • Roll call, determination of quorum
    • Agenda confirmation
    • Minutes approval - 2021-12-16 DRAFT Minutes
    • Staff reports and updates
    • International liaisons updates
    • LC reports and updates
    • Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews)
  •  Discussion: 
    • 2022 Workload Planning
  • Any Other Business and Next Meeting Date
    • Next meeting - January 13th  

Meeting Notes 

Administrative Items:

IAWG Chair Ken Dagg called the meeting to order at 1:00M (US Eastern).  Roll was called. Meeting was quorate. Distributed agenda was confirmed. 

Minutes approval:  Mark King made a motion to approve the draft minutes from the December 16 IAWG meeting. Mark Hapner seconded the motion. The minutes, as distributed, were approved unanimously.

Staff Reports and Updates:

Lynzie reported that the Assurance Program seems to be ramping up. Recently we've received two new applications and the ARB is currently working on 4 assessments. There are a number of other ACRs and applications in the works. Martin asked if the ARB was looking for additional members, potentially to help alleviate the workload. Andrew provided some background around the ARB and its make-up. They are a subset of the KIBoD. There is not a set number of ARB members and changes in make-up of the group come at the direction of the ARB Chair. 

There continues to be ARB concerns with component services. Ken suggested another meeting or two with the ARB to get more direct guidance on the issues that they are having. 

International Liaisons Updates:

Not much movement with the holidays occurring. The KGWG will meet again today - this is the first occasion where Canada is joining the group and it is hopefully a move toward having them rejoin as members. 

LC Reports and Updates:

Andrew provided the report. He is taking the Board's strategic priorities and turning them into LC objectives for the coming year. Increasing member engagement is one area; money for sponsorships is another area of focus. Individual work groups will decide if they will take on the OKR model. Andrew provided an update on the status of the ISO 17065 certification. We are currently creating a business case to present to the Board. 

Andrew expanded on the usual request for social media posts. With the addition of a marketing person, Kantara now has a more proactive approach to marketing. She has been reporting on what she needs to promote. A few encouragements - put it in your LinkedIn profile, showcase Kantara participation on company websites if possible. Looking for a more robust ecosystem. 


Workload Planning 2022

There was some discussion recapping and reviewing the priorities generated in December, including minimizing the amount of time spent on reviewing/commenting other legislation and standards. Andrew suggested talking with Kay and Lynzie on how this could be turned into a paid service - primarily for private projects. Further suggesting an up front commitment of time from the work group that could be expanded on a paid basis - ultimately, signaling to the market is important. Ken agreed we can look into how this can be a more marketable service. 

Discussion continued on NIST rev. 4 and any opportunity to influence prior to public release. We need an access channel to NIST and a list of topics to address. The list should be one of the first action items of 2022. Andrew suggested Kay make the semi-formal offer that we stand ready and able to provide industry perspective outside the public period. Topics might include: remote proofing, comparable controls, future authentication framework, and quantum. 

Other Business:

The next IAWG meeting will be Thursday, January 13 at 1pm EST. We will conclude our workload planning and begin brainstorming around 800-63 rev. 4. 
KIBoD moved their meetings to noon, which now interferes with this meeting. The IAWG will not meet on the third Thursday of the month due to Kay, Lynzie & Ken being in the KIBoD meeting.