2022-02-10 Minutes

2022-02-10 Minutes


Voting Participants: Ken Dagg, Martin Smith, Mark Hapner, Jimmy Jung, Richard Wilsher, Mark King, Maria Vachino

Staff: Lynzie Adams

Proposed Agenda

  • Administration:
    • Roll call, determination of quorum
    • Agenda confirmation
    • Minutes approval - 2022-02-03 DRAFT Minutes
    • Staff reports and updates
    • International liaisons updates
    • LC reports and updates
    • Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews)
  •  Discussion: 
    • Component services language update/review
      • 63a#0040, 63a#0060, 63a#0062, 63a#0070, 63a#0100, 63a#0500/#0510
  • Any Other Business and Next Meeting Date

Meeting Notes 

Administrative Items:

IAWG Chair Ken Dagg called the meeting to order.  Roll was called. Meeting was quorate. Distributed agenda was confirmed. 

Maria Vachino joined as a new voting member of the group. She provided a brief introduction of her role with Kantara and within the industry.

Minutes approval:  Mark Hapner motioned to approve the draft minutes from the February 3 IAWG meeting. Martin Smith seconded the motion. The minutes, as distributed, were approved unanimously.

Staff Reports and Updates:

The Assurance Program continues to thrive. Mastercard is the most recent approval as a component service at IAL2. We have 3 new Assurance Program participants since the start of the year. 

International Liaisons Updates: 

Kay will be submitting an application to UKAS to participate as a certification body in the Pilot Assessment Conditions for Accreditation of Certification for the Digital Identity Assurance Trust Framework. The deadline is February 11. 

LC Reports and Updates: N/A 


Component Services Language 

The group revisited the component language review discussion from the previous meetings. 

Richard Wilsher proposed adding a single statement over all the criteria telling CSPs that if there is no applicant, then assume its the user of the service. This would prevent the group from tedious re-writes of numerous individual criteria. Mark Hapner agreed there needs to be language that makes it clear who is responsible for the overall function of a technically distributed function.

Jimmy reconfirmed his stance that a component service does not have required criteria. He provided an alternative option of adding terminology around support of the process. Then a CSP can tell an assessor how they provide support. Ken believes adding in the support terminology is essentially making criteria mandatory, and if that's the route we go, that number must be kept very small. There was concern that in softening the language to support, you're making it too easy for full service providers. 

The option to do AB criteria for component and full services was brought up again. Richard is hesitant to go that route, though it is a clean solution to these issues. 

Lynzie is planning to schedule an ARB/Assessors meeting sometime in March. This might provide an opportunity for the two groups to discuss some of these differences. She is also going to see if there is any interest on the ARB for a member to create a list of 63a tags that have consistently caused issue with component reviews to limit this ad hoc process we are currently using. 

The current criteria is going to be addressed now (#0040, #0060, #0062, #0070, #0100) as they prove to be routinely problematic. Richard will have edits to the group by March 10 meeting for review and discussion. 

The group revisited the biometric discrepancy between #0500/#0510 and the guidance text for the 63b criteria. Richard and Jimmy edited the guidance text to correct the problem during a recent assessment. Richard will share that text with Lynzie to update the master document and make it widely available. This is not a substantive change as its only guidance - we will include it in the next release but share the guidance with anyone in the meantime.

Other Business:

There will be no meeting on February 17 due to the KIBoD meeting. We will determine the next meeting date and share with the group when that is decided.