IAWG Leadership Team

IAWG Leadership Team

From Kantara Initiative, Inc. Operating Procedures Version 3.0

SECTION 4.1.2: WG Roles

  • A WG shall have one or more Chairs elected from the WG Participants.
  • The WG may designate one Chair as the WG Chair with the other Chairs as WG Vice-Chairs; or, the WG may designate one or more Chairs as WG Co-Chairs.
  • At least one WG Chair shall be a Member of Kantara Initiative.
  • One Chair shall be named as the WG voting delegate to the LC and another as the alternate. The WG delegates shall be Members of Kantara Initiative at the Director, Organization or Individual Member level.
  • It is recommended that a WG appoints a WG Secretary. The WG Secretary may be appointed by a WG Chair or elected by WG Participants.
  • If required for creation of documents or specifications, the WG may designate one or more Editors from the WG Participants.
  • The elected WG roles are collectively the WG Leadership Team. 


The role of WG Chair is to support the WG Participants in achieving charter objectives, lead the WG and administer the WG.  

The duties and responsibilities of a WG Chair include: 

a) Serving as the WG voting delegate to the LC;
b) Assuring fair and open participation in the WG;
c) Seeking Consensus of the WG as a means of decision-making;
d) Ensuring the Bylaws and other policies are followed;
e) Scheduling and providing timely notice of WG meetings;
f) Chairing WG meetings in an unbiased manner;
g) Submitting status reports to the LC Secretary;
h) Undertaking the Annual Charter renewal for the WG;
i) Requesting resources and WG support from the LC; and,
j) Appointing such persons as may be needed to perform WG activities.

SECTION WG Vice-Chair 

The role of WG Vice-Chair is to support the WG Chair and to assume the duties and carry out the responsibilities of the Chair in the Chair's absence.

SECTION 4.1.3: WG Elections 

The individuals comprising the WG Leadership Team shall be individually elected by a Majority vote of the eligible voting Participants of the WG. 

The term of WG Leadership Team roles is one year, renewable. 

WG elections shall be conducted by secret ballot unless the WG Participants pass a prior motion by unanimous consent to hold a non-secret ballot. 

At least one month prior to the end of the current term, the WG Chair shall call for nominations for WG Leadership Team roles and conduct a WG ballot of all WG Participants. An individual may serve consecutive terms in any WG Leadership Team Role.  

The LC Chair may initiate a ballot to confirm or reject a WG Chair at any time based on the written request of three or more WG Participants. If the WG Chair is rejected, the LC Chair shall conduct a WG election to select a new Chair for the WG.