2019-08-22 Meeting Minutes
2019-08-22 Meeting Minutes
Voting participants: Ken Dagg, Martin Smith, Mark Hapner, Richard Wilsher
Non-voting participants: Roger Quint
Staff: Colin Wallis, Ruth Puente
Quorum: 4 of 7. There was quorum
- Administration:
- Roll Call
- Agenda Confirmation
- Minutes Approval 2019-08-15 DRAFT Meeting Minutes
- Action Item Review: action item list
- Staff reports and updates - Keeping up with Kantara August 2019 and Director's Corner
- LC reports and updates
- Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews or #Kantara10)
- Discussion
a. Approve KIAF-1050 Glossary and Overview v0.7.0 for publication as KIAF-1050 v1.0 (Attached)
b. First draft of comments on PCTF Privacy Component (Attached). PCTF Privacy Component Overview & Conformance Profile.
c. Criteria Guidance (Any participant suggestions for adding or enhancing guidance for understanding assessment criteria).
3. Any Other Business
August 15th Draft Minutes Approval
Motion: To approve 2019-08-15 Meeting Minutes
Moved: Martin. Seconded: Richard. Unanimous approval.
- Keeping up with Kantara August 2019 and Director's Corner
- KI Website design refresh
- New KI Ambassador based in WDC, US, Chris Healy
- Colin and Chris will attend the FedID 2019 Conference at Tampa on September 23-26, 2019
- LC Update: New WG FIRE has a charter and has officially started to meet. HIAWG has been reviewing its charter and they plan to send the Revised HIAWG Charter for LC approval shortly.
Approve revised KIAF-1050 Glossary and Overview
- Ken commented that the editors have been working on updates to address the comments received on the Public Comment and IPR review that closed on July 5th.
- Martin pointed out two minor editorial changes: line 105 should be “principal” and line 260 should be “principle".
- Richard indicated that the format of the first page was not following the standard and he will correct it.
- Ruth offered to add the hyperlinks missing from line 396 onwards.
- Martin asked if the definition of end user (lines 247-250) include technical objects or not. Richard responded that it does include them. Therefore, it was agreed that no change is required for "End User"
- Action items: Ruth to add a note to the old Glossary that a new version will be released soon. Ken to send the document (as version 0.8) to LC once the minor editorial changes are made for LC certification towards an All Member ballot.
Motion: To approve KIAF-1050 Glossary and Overview
Moved: Richard. Seconded: Martin. Unanimous approval.
Draft of comments on PCTF Privacy Component. PCTF Privacy Component Overview & Conformance Profile
- Ken walked the IAWG through the comments added here: DIACC-Submission-Form-Privacy-ENG KI v0.1.xlsx
- IAWG agreed with the comments.
- Ken to send IAWG comments to DIACC.