DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2014-03-06

DRAFT IAWG Meeting Minutes 2014-03-06

Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance WG Teleconference


DRAFT Meeting Minutes - IAWG approval required


Date and Time


  1. Administration:
    1. Roll Call
    2. Agenda Confirmation
    3. Minutes approval: no minutes ready for approval
    4. REMINDER: North America Daylight Savings Time madness begins next week
    5. Staff reports and updates
    6. Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews or #kantara)
  2. Discussion
    1.  IAF 1400 Comment disposition status update
    2. 2014 Roadmap review: IAF updates needed; Deliverables; Conferences/events; ???
  3. AOB
  4. Adjourn


Link to IAWG Roster

As of 2014 March 03, quorum is 6 of 10


Meeting achieved quorum



  • Rich Furr ( C)
  • Andrew Hughes (S)
  • Kenneth Myers
  • Scott Shorter
  • Matt Thompson
  • Richard Wilsher
  • Bill Braithwaite






  • None


Notes & Minutes


Staff Updates
Participant updates
  • Matt Thompson reports that ID.me is now a Registered Applicant for LOA1


IAF 1400 comment disposition status
  • Comment disposition is now complete, sent to list for review (there is an issue with Mailman - the disposition document did not make it to the list)
  • Noted that there is an error (duplicate criterion) - RGW will correct
  • Updated IAF 1400 estimate delivery within a week
2014 Roadmap review
  • Rich noted that many items are of unknown status
    • Furr moves that a 'Priority' should be added as a column; Braithwaite seconds; Discussion: None; Motion carried. Action: Andrew.
  • Ken Myers reported that the Resilient report is in draft for Phase 1. PKH is working with Resilient to refine it. Will be delivered to Joni in the next couple weeks.
  • Privacy Assessment Criteria: need to determine where the material is now. Rich to contact Joni.
  • Modular IAF: will slip into Q2 - 'Deployment Patterns'. Remove Myisha from the list.
    • NOTE: ARB is discussing the future structure and role of the IAF relative to FICAM and FCCX. IAWG should discuss future directions before taking major actions.
  • RP Guidelines: The nature of RPs is shifting - RPs have a more active role in negotiation what services are required (e.g. Attribute choices). So the RP Guidelines are rising in importance. Review in terms of ongoing activities with FICAM and IAF directions and other jurisdictions. Q2 to define the nature and scope of the RP Guidelines.
  • IAF Alignment with ISO 29115: IAWG could use an overall map of potential impacts from external standards, programs, initiatives etc. So that IAWG can know when to analyze impact from external changes. Eventually, mapping should be done between jurisdictional Trust Framework requirements. We could review the work of Trust Framework Meta Model group, or the Business Cases for Federation. Q2 potential.
    • SIDEBAR: discussion on 29003 feedback to ISO WG ensued.
  • Ongoing Monitoring 29003 - add as a recurring item on the roadmap.
  • Key signing analysis: This should really be Key Management in general. The levels of protection required for different kinds of keys is not well specified in the SAC. Q: Is there a problem here that needs fixing? Check priority to determine timeframe.
  • Safe Harbour: Check priority to determine timeframe.


New items for the Roadmap?

  • Potentially add the 'FICAM/US Profile' work?
    • Analysis is happening in ARB on how SAC might be best structured to accommodate neutral or US-Centric material
  • Request to the IAWG: review the Roadmap list and think about priority.

M. Thompson to host a screen sharing session on next week's call to discuss and adjust priorities with IAWG.



Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, 2014 03 13
  • Time: 09:00 PT | 12:00 ET | NOTE: North America Daylight Savings time starts - this meeting is pinned to N.A. Eastern Time 
  • United States Toll +1 (805) 309-2350
  • Alternate Toll +1 (714) 551-9842
    Skype: +99051000000481
    • Conference ID: 613-2898
  • International Dial-In Numbers