IAWG Meeting Minutes 2014-05-15
IAWG Meeting Minutes 2014-05-15
Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance WG Teleconference
IAWG Approval 2014-05-22
Date and Time
- Date: Thursday, 2014 05 15
- Time: 09:00 PDT | 12:00 EDT | 16:00 UTC (Time chart - US Daylight Saving Time )
- United States Toll +1 (805) 309-2350
Alternate Toll +1 (714) 551-9842
Skype: +99051000000481- Conference ID: 613-2898
- International Dial-In Numbers
- Administration:
- Roll Call
- Agenda Confirmation
- Minutes approval: IAWG Meeting Minutes 2014-05-08
- Action Item Review
- Staff reports and updates
- LC reports and updates
- Call for Tweet-worthy items to feed (@KantaraNews or #kantara)
- Discussion
- Status update on FICAM IAF mapping
- Discussion on Assurance as related to Attributes
- Adjourn
Link to IAWG Roster
As of 2014 May 6, quorum is 7 of 11
Meeting achieved quorum
- Rich Furr (C )
- Paul Calatayud (V-C)
- Andrew Hughes (S)
- Scott Shorter
- Cathy Tilton
- Ken Meyers
- Adam Madlin (Symantec)
- Susan Schreiner (MITRE)
- Ken Dagg
- Marissa Jadrosich
Notes & Minutes
Minutes Approval
IAWG Meeting Minutes 2014-05-08
Motion to approve minutes of 2014-05-08: Shorter
Seconded: Hughes
Discussion: None
Motion Carried
Action Item Review
Staff Updates
LC Updates
- Call was cancelled
Participant updates
Updates on the "Core Profile" work - Furr
- Has sent to a small team for early review, waiting for comments - will get this to IAWG for review
- A different team is working on US-FICAM and non-US profiles
NIST CSD - Draft SP800-160 "Systems Security Engineering" has been released for comment- Scott
- High quality document, worth reading for comments to NIST
- Probably a good candidate for Kantara formal response
Andrew raised the topic of 'Attribute LOA' for general discussion
- FICAM is requiring some attribute bundles in the ATOS process
- FICAM is looking to Kantara to address certain aspects such as Refresh
- Ken - Allan Foster was chairing the Attributes WG but has gone defunct - due to fuzzy focus for the WG
- Ken - the linkage between the person and past addresses does need an LOA
- Susan (MITRE) - lots of interest in Attribute Assurance - more related to ID Assurance from attributes
- They are looking in the area of what calculated assurance levels are available based on the specific attributes available for consideration
- Adam - NIST is planning to do an attributes workshop - session is planned at June IDESG Plenary
- Rich - what should we recommend to ARB as an action? Spin up a subgroup? Reactivate the WG?
- Adam - determine how to collaborate with other groups
- ACTION: Chair to take the question to LC: Given the interest and importance of Attributes to Kantara, FICAM and other TFPs, should the Attributes WG be revived? a subgroup of IAWG formed? (Verification, refresh, other characteristics)?
- ACTION: IAWG to post thoughts to list to prepare Rich to take to LC
- Adam is under the impression that FICAM is waiting for feedback from Kantara on the Attributes question
Andrew moves to adjourn, Scott seconds.
Carry-forward Items
Next Meeting
- Date: Thursday, 2014-05-22
- Time: 09:00 PDT | 12:00 EDT | 16:00 UTC (Time chart - US Daylight Saving Time )
- United States Toll +1 (805) 309-2350
- Alternate Toll +1 (714) 551-9842
Skype: +99051000000481- Conference ID: 613-2898
- International Dial-In Numbers