IAWG Meeting Minutes 2013-05-30
IAWG Meeting Minutes 2013-05-30
Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance WG Teleconference
Approved by IAWG 27 June 2013
Date and Time
- Date: Thursday, 30 May 2013
- Time: 07:00 PT | 10:00 ET | 14:00 UTC (time chart)
- United States Toll +1 (805) 309-2350
Alternate Toll +1 (714) 551-9842
Skype: +99051000000481- Conference ID: 613-2898
- International Dial-In Numbers
- Administration:
- Roll Call
- Agenda Confirmation
- Discussion
- Feedback to the Government of Canada on "Guidelines on Identity Assurance"
- RP Guidelines
- Updates
- Agile IAF
- Alignment with SP 800-63
- Adjourn
- Scott Shorter
- Matthew Thompson
- Myisha Frazier-McElveen
- Cathy Tilton
- Richard Wilsher
As of 22 May 2013, quorum is 4 of 7
- Ken Dagg
- Rich Furr
- Joni Brennan
- Sal D'Agostino
- Nathan Faut
- Jeff Stollman
- Helen Hill
- Andrew Hughes
- Heather Flanagan (scribe)
Notes & Minutes
Feedback to the Government of Canada on "Guidelines on Identity Assurance"
- Document was attached to the email
- It is very worthwhile to click on the links to the other documents that the Gov't of Canada is working on; a lot of good information
- the goal is to create a consolidated feedback document; also asked a few other groups to do the same; would like this to be finished in 7 to 10 days (7 would be nicer than 10, given the schedule they are working under?)
- Due to particularly bad voice connections to the bridge, this topic is being moved to the mailing list
- Coming back to this as the connection improved
- Questions to focus the conversation: is it clear, does it provide good guidance, does it make sense, have we missed anything?
- This is written from a Canadian public service perspective, not an international perspective
RP Guidelines
- This has become a big item recently (see mailing list thread); came out of a discussion of what came out of IIW
- UMA has also been interested in this issue recently to determine questions like log out, RP responsibilities, etc
- George Fletcher has proposed a few use cases that could help spur the conversation
- Does this now have enough momentum to create a report, or is it still all discussion point?
- would love to see this come out as a report along with the Federation Interop Guidelines; this could be a cross-workgroup effort, though the logistics could be challenging
- an appropriate way forward could be a Discussion Group such as the Attribute Management which in turn led to a full WG, and led to a picture of the landscape on what's out there on this topic
- could the output of that group be just the landscape, or the landscape and use cases? Scope should be part of the LC discussion on the topic
- side note: encouraging the IDESG/NSTIC effort to become a federation operator; Rich Furr leading the effort
- Would it make sense to have a quick ad hoc focus group to define the problem space to frame the discussion for the LC?
- we can't make a decision on how to advance forward without understanding the use cases that are being answered, so we should really start with that
- concern is that we might be reinventing wheels, since there are a lot of RPs that would not be involved in a Kantara WG/DG that might be doing the same work
- the first step needs to be discover, use case discovery, existing RP guidelines, and then determine actions from there
- we are trying to answer the call of "Where are the RPs?"; are there any friction points that we need to identify that aren't understood at this time?
- Goal is to create an ad hoc group
- volunteers to write up a call for participation: Ken, Myisha; should also follow up with George and the other active people on the thread
Ad Hoc Team Updates
Agile IAF
- Ken, Scott, and Andrew have been meeting and discussing the idea of introducing more agility in to the IAF; the general idea that the IAF has service components, but what would it mean if we went further? Need to define what a trust framework actually is, and a white paper has been started to define that, explain how a trust framework works, benefits of a trust framework; there are several blogs and event sites have delved in to this quite a bit, and trying to bring all that information together and forward
- One of the questions to be answered: what parts of the identity provider/credential provider/RP model absolutely has to be certified, assessed and trust-marked? Are there any parts that do not have to be? What does that mean in terms of operational practice?
- If anyone else wants to join the small group discussing this, more than welcome - Cathy Tilton, Myisha Frazier-McElveen to be added
- Current goal to have this ready go out in 2-4 weeks; this will need to be released in pieces since the content is very dense
Alignment with SP 800-63
- This is proving to be more challenging, particularly because of changes NIST has made at levels 3 and 4
- Richard will be exposing a few parts of the standard (800-63-2) that he needs help understanding in order to finish this up
- there is quite a bit of detail coming in from 800-63-2 that may not be appropriate to include in the SAC in any detail; still, some amount of linking is happening between the SAC and 800-63-2
- may want to pull these out into an appendix that could be the beginnings of a profile
- should there be a free standing component to allow for the different countries to have different annexes
- we cannot show conformity to this without following a similar path, and this could apply to other governmental standards as well
- expects to have a draft available for IAWG review in about 2 weeks
- Ken distributed a draft of an update to the glossary for review; hope to have this out for more public comment in a few weeks
Next Meeting
- Date: Thursday, 6 June 2013
- Time: 07:00 PT | 10:00 ET | 15:00 UTC (time chart)
- United States Toll +1 (805) 309-2350
Alternate Toll +1 (714) 551-9842
Skype: +99051000000481- Conference ID: 613-2898
- International Dial-In Numbers