2019-12-19 Meeting notes (CR) DRAFT

2019-12-19 Meeting notes (CR) DRAFT



Status of Minutes


Approved at: 2019-12-19 Meeting notes (CR) DRAFT



  • Jim Pasquale
  • Oscar Santolalla
  • Lisa LeVasseur
  • Mary Hodder
  • Yusef Khan
  • Iain Henderson
  • Andrew Hughes
  • James Aschberger


  • Colin Wallis
  • Vitor Jesus
  • Sal D


  • Nancy Lush
  • Mark Lizar

Quorum Status

Meeting was quorate 

Participant Roster (2016) - As of 2019-05-15 quorum is 5 of 9

(Voting participants are: Iain Henderson, Mary Hodder, Mark Lizar, Jim Pasquale (C),, Andrew Hughes (VC), Oscar Santolalla, Lisa LeVasseur, James Aschberger, Yusef Khan)

Discussion Items





  • Roll call
  • Agenda bashing

Jim P

  • Please remember to update your entry on the Consent Receipts Implementations Page - this is a major landing point for external viewers and raises awareness of the CIS WG work and your product too
  • During the course of the meeting to take sparse notes, noting these key things:
         a.  Open Critical Question 
         b.  New Action items and owners
         c.  Key Agreements by the team
         d.  Answers to Critical Questions (if none when? assign a deadline)
  • Update on new ISI Charter work Timeline Review 
  • AOB
 minMotion to approve prior minutesquorate

MOTION: To approve all and any outstanding meeting minutes requiring approval.

Moved by: Jim moved

Second: Lisa 

Discussion: review on screen

Motion: Carried

 10 min
  • Organization updates

Please review these blogs offline for current status on Kantara and all the DG/WG:

There is a wiki page that will hold all the known implementations of Consent Receipts - Please update the page or inform Jim, or John, or Andrew of your implementation. 


  • Send an email to those who have missed four or more consecutive meeting notifiing them, they are being moved to non-voting
    • Should they choose to return at any point and become voting memebers again, they may do so as long as they are in conformance of the Kantara Charter
0 minNews about new implementationsAll
0 minProcessing feature requests for v.next specification work
  • Re-engaged work Being done on GitHub, do we stay with it and multtle through the learning curve, or go back to Confluence (here), This is a big questions the group needs to answer.
    • 11/14 - What are the top level Catogories 
    • 11/14 - How will they be define: ie Bugs/Enhancments/New Specs
      • Tom Jones & Vitor know of some predefined lists and would look at them
    • 11/21 Jim's suggested in order to discuss the open items/issue/Et al the group use the following process
      • Items can only be discussed if the person who entered the item/issue/Et al is on the call using a cronological order first in first out (FIFO)
      • Should no one with an open item be on the call the work group will move to other open issues, AKA Catorogy needed, developing, agreeing on, and implementing them for GitHub use and Beyond.
 5 minNews and HappeningsJim

The MyData Movement has requested a 20 minute presentation on CR on thier 12/13 Webinar

  • Jim will present and Andrew has provided the slide he did in Sept.

Me2B Alliance Webinar Series addresses the most pressing issues facing consumers and businesses in the security and privacy arena. Join us for the inaugural webinar in the series.

  • CCPA Through a Me2B Lens Thu, Dec 19, 2019 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM America/Los_Angeles (PST) Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
  • This webinar will look at the key provisions of the CCPA from the perspective of the Me2B Alliance, asking what the law does - and doesn't - do to advance consumer interests and agency in their online interactions with businesses.

    Speaker: Christopher W. Savage, Partner, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

0  minDemo status updateall
0 minutesFrist meeting of the month demoallFeb. 
0 minSpecification update approach

See a flowchart version of this here:


0 minWG Charter RefreshJim
  • Passed ifrst step, awaiting next steps to build out the new WG

Upcoming events update

40 minAOB

Discussion about future of the new work group:

01/05/20: Tasks Forward

    • New WG proposed leads request staff to create the new WG

    • An email goes out to the WG email list roster to summarize the progress so far and next steps with timetable.

    • Notice goes to the WG email list stating the contributors to the consent receipt, stating that these contributors are the set of contributors at the close of the Consent Receipt's IPR review and public comment period in 2017 and 2018. Request to these contributors to agree to their contribution being re-contributed to the new WG (Link to Survey Monkey included). Ballot open 14 days closing Monday Jan 20th 2020.

01/09/20: Regular CISWG call to review progress.

01/10/20: ISI-WG goes live... currently without the Consent Receipt text as a baseline.

01/13/20: Target date for all CR contributors to have completed Survey Monkey and agreed to the re-contribution.

01/20/20: Target date for ISI-WG to have Consent Receipt contributed test also live on the website. Kantara promotes the new WG on Social etc.

01/23/20: First call proposed for the new WG using same call cadence as CISWG. Email the CIS WG to encourage people to sign the GPA of the new WG get on the mailing list etc.

01/30/20: Second call of new WG.

01/31/20: CISWG proposed to be officially archived.

Proposed Email to current CIS WG Members:

  • As you are probably aware, the Consent Information Sharing workgroup (CIS-WG) is proposed to be archived and replaced by a new workgroup [proposed name Information Sharing Interoperability - ISI-WG] to be both more agile and project-driven, as well as operating under a more flexible IPR regime .

    Furthermore, it is the desire of both the voting participants in the CISWG the participants in the new ISIWG to use the Consent Receipt Specification v1.1 text as the baseline for further document development.

    It is important therefore, the contributors to the work are aware of this and also agree through a straight up or down vote to their work being contributed into the new work group with its more flexible IPR.

    All known contributors are listed in the Consent Receipt Specification v1.1 incorporating previous versions and published at : (link) as at the close of the 45 day IPR review and public comment period for this specification. They are listed below for the sake of clarity.

    ...John doe ...Sally doyle

    .... etc

    The new ISI-WG requests Contributors to Consent Receipt v1.1 to agree to the re-contribution of those contributions from the Consent and Information Sharing work group to the new group.

    Please complete the form on Survey Monkey (link) regarding your agreement or otherwise to this recontribution to the new workgroup as soon as possible but in any event by Monday January 20th, 2020.

    Finally, we welcome everyone continuing to contribute your knowledge, expertise, and perspectives in this new WG [ name] effort. (links to GPA, wiki etc)

Message Log Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 11-40-44 AM Eastern Standard Time.pdf

2019-12-12 10.37 Consent and Information Sharing WG.mp4

Next meeting

*** Next call 2020-01-09 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time


  • MOTION: To adjourn 
    • Moved: Iain 
    • Second: James
    • Discussion: None
  • Motion carry