2019-07-18 Meeting notes (CR)

2019-07-18 Meeting notes (CR)



Status of Minutes


Approved at: 2019-12-12 Meeting notes (CR) DRAFT



  • Jim Pasquale
  • Mark Lizar
  • Oscar Santolalla
  • Lisa LeVasseur
  • James Aschberger
  • Iain Henderson
  • Paul Knowles
  • John Wunderlich


  • Sneha Ved
  • Kate Downing
  • Sal D'Agostino
  • Mary Hodder


  • Andrew Hughes

Quorum Status

Meeting was quorate We did not move to accept any or all of the previous meeting minutes in lieu of Andrew's absence 

Voting participants

Participant Roster (2016) - As of 2019-05-15 quorum is 6 of 11

(Voting participants are: Iain Henderson, Mary Hodder, Mark Lizar, Jim Pasquale (C), John Wunderlich (VC), Andrew Hughes (VC), Oscar Santolalla, Richard Gomer, Paul Knowles, Lisa LeVasseur, James Aschberger)

Discussion Items





4 mins
  • Roll call
  • Agenda bashing
  • Please remember to update your entry on the Consent Receipts Implementations Page - this is a major landing point for external viewers and raises awareness of the CIS WG work and your product too
  • Update on Charter refresh work
  • AOB
  • Discuss next steps for receipt specification 
10 min
  • Organization updates

Please review these blogs offline for current status on Kantara and all the DG/WG:

There is a wiki page that will hold all the known implementations of Consent Receipts - Please update the page or inform Jim, or John, or Andrew of your implementation.

  • MyData, Helsinki, September
5 minNews about new implementationsAll

This is a new standing agenda item where we can hear about new implementations of receipts.

  • Jan Lindquist (Dativa) has created a Hyperledger Indy system that includes data sharing receipts using either identified or anonymous proofs of consent. This is kinda groundbreaking work and is a very interesting contrast to other ways of perceiving the role of 'proof' in the system.
    • We have a date from Jan for the demo, mark your calendar for 8/15 if you are interested in seeing the demo
  • Mark's contact was unable to make this weeks' call
    • In order to avoid summer meeting conflicts along with other agenda action item.  Jim requested Mark to have Harsh(??) contact the Chair to reschedule his presentation/discussion 
15 minProcessing feature requests for v.next specification workJim
  • The WG should jointly work on a reference use case to frame up the discussions for next specification enhancement
  • There are other known projects that are dependent on the Kantara specification but this WG does not have a listing of these impacted projects. This list might be well suited to be added to the 'implementations' page.
  • ACTION: Mark to create a list of projects that rely on the Kantara Consent Receipt Specification v1.1 who need to be aware of changes to the Kantara specification.
    • ???  Mark has done some (ongoing)
  • There is an existing backlog of features and bugs left over from v1.1 that need to be addressed
    • Suggestion to pick up the items from the old github repository and create representative github issues in the v.next repository
    • Suggestion to clean up the items in the old github repository in place
  • MOTION: Move that open issues from V1.1 be moved to V-Next to be dealt with by the WG.
  • Moved: John
  • Second: Jim
  • Discussion: 
    • Counterproposal - to work on incorporating the fixes from the outstanding v1.1 items into the current v1.1 spec then taking the remainder forward into v.next
    • Issues are that any changes need to be resolved by the WG
    • Concern raised that new use cases will displace current use cases
    • Mark requests that call time is reserved to discuss outstanding v1.1 items 
    • The result of processing of the v1.1 items could a) be simple bugfixes; b) result in a v1.2; c) impact future specification releases and should be incorporated into the roadmap.
    • John proposes:
      • Suggest the following for next week's agenda: Reviewing the list and identifying items to be a)discarded/deprecated, b) minor typo/bug/cleanup for 1.1a, c) amendments to 1.2 in line with intent of 1.1 charter and d) roadmap items to be folded into next major release (mapping to the new charter).
  • Motion deferred - quorum was lost - to be concluded on next week's call.
  • Motion carried 7/18
0 minSpecification enhancement project statusJim

0  minDemo status updateall

Recording from Identiverse should be available by end of July. The presentation is now modular with short videos available to show implementations in Kantara Members' products.

0 minSpecification update approach

See a flowchart version of this here:


20 minWG Charter RefreshIain Henderson
  • (2019-06-13) Iain suggests that it is probably time to review and update the Charter
    • ACTION: Iain to lead the review of current version of the WG Charter and bring a draft to the WG for discussion. Iain to inform the WG of how and where to participate.
  • (2019-07-04) Iain sends his regrets (Iain may be heading into a vacation - will check)
    • Continue to send your comments and information about the WG charter to Iain
    • Jim summarized some of the discussion about how information sharing, consent, receipts and future framing of the work 
    • Andrew suggests that structuring the charter to support the idea of having distinct projects to run simultaneously has been asked for by many in the WG for a long time. To avoid 'single-tracking' the WG work and allow individuals to lead important work without being blocked by others' priorities.
    • ACTION: Jim, Andrew, and John to work with Iain to assist with charter structuring and work management shaping.
    • Lisa notes that the presentation about the evolution of consent will be a useful input into the charter work
  • (2019-07-18). Iain gave a brief review of the current status of the draft proposal for the newly expanded charter effort
    • General agreement to move consent requirements to the CMS WG (need to understand the process to do so), feeding them back into the CIS WG for technical implementation.  General agreement to "invite and include UMA WG activities into the CIS WG also moving towards consistent requirements and tech for information sharing with either consent or authorization. (AKA Cross-pollinating across the groups)
5 minAOB
  • Please remember that the work on the Charter renewal should be directed through Iain Henderson as the assigned leader. 

Next meeting

*** Next call 2019-07-25 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time


Lisa moves adjournment; Paul seconds. Meeting adjourned