Status of Minutes
Approved at: 2019-12-12 Meeting notes (CR) DRAFT
- Jim Pasquale
- James Aschberger
- Lisa LeVasseur
- Kate Downing
- Mary Hodder
- Mark Lizar
Quorum Status
Meeting was quorate
Voting participants
Participant Roster (2016) - As of 2019-05-15 quorum is 6 of 11
Mary Hodder, Mark Lizar, Jim Pasquale (C), Lisa LeVasseur, James Aschberger, Kate Downing
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
4 mins | | | - Organization updates (Colin)
- Update on Charter refresh work
5 min | | All | Please review these blogs offline for current status on Kantara and all the DG/WG: There is a wiki page that will hold all the known implementations of Consent Receipts - Please update the page or inform Jim, or John, or Andrew of your implementation. DONE! Identity North, Toronto, JuneDONE! EEMA, June 18 2019, LondonIdentiverse, Washington, June- TBD - USENIX SOUPS '19 and PEPR '19 symposia August 11-13 Santa Clara, CA
- MyData, Helsinki, September
- (2019-06-13) Iain suggests that it is probably time to review and update the Charter
- ACTION: Iain to lead the review of the current version of the WG Charter and bring a draft to the WG for discussion. Iain to inform the WG of how and where to participate.
- Colin
- The newsletter came out last week - if you are not receiving "Keeping up with the Kantarians" - please go to to sign up for it
- Kantara celebrated 10 Years! Kantara formed and launched as a new organization on June 17, 2009. The cake was consumed at the EEMA annual conference. Kantara had about 20-30 in the Kantara session - lots of interest.
- Presented at UK Whitehall Media IDM event - Katrina Dow (Meeco) and Colin presented
- Presented at Identity Week in UK prior week
- NGI Trust H2020 project is plowing through the many many proposals for funding (Kantara is a lead partner)
- Identiverse
- Kantara has a Masterclass session, UMA, and CIS WG as well.
10 min | Current under tow | Jim | - Project page is here in github
- Andrew gave a quick overview of the github structure and content
- Very briefly reviewed the Use Case template in github (for use when creating a GitHub Issue)
10 min | WG Charter Refresh | Iain Henderson | - (2019-06-13) Iain suggests that it is probably time to review and update the Charter
- ACTION: Iain to lead the review of current version of the WG Charter and bring a draft to the WG for discussion. Iain to inform the WG of how and where to participate.
- Please contribute and respond to Iain's requests for inputs
- "Is there a consolidated list of items to be tackled for the specification update?" A: there are a few different lists.
- Iain is aiming for July 4 2019 WG call to report back
5 min | AOB |
| |
| Next meeting |
| *** Next call 2019-07-04 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time
Iain moves to adjourn; Jan seconds; Meeting adjourned.