2019-08-15 Meeting notes (CR)

2019-08-15 Meeting notes (CR)



Status of Minutes


Approved at: 2019-12-12 Meeting notes (CR) DRAFT



  • Jim Pasquale
  • Andrew Hughes
  • Iain Henderson
  • Mark Lizar
  • Mary Hodder


  • Colin Wallis
  • Sal D'Agostino
  • Jan Linquest


Quorum Status

Meeting was quorate 

Voting participants

Participant Roster (2016) - As of 2019-05-15 quorum is 6 of 11

(Voting participants are: Iain Henderson, Mary Hodder, Mark Lizar, Jim Pasquale (C), John Wunderlich (VC), Andrew Hughes (VC), Oscar Santolalla, Richard Gomer, Paul Knowles, Lisa LeVasseur, James Aschberger)

Discussion Items





4 mins
  • Roll call
  • Agenda bashing
  • Please remember to update your entry on the Consent Receipts Implementations Page - this is a major landing point for external viewers and raises awareness of the CIS WG work and your product too
  • Update on Charter refresh work Review doc in draft
  • AOB
  • Discuss next steps for receipt specification 
2 minsMotion to approve prior minutes

MOTION: To approve all and any outstanding meeting minutes requiring approval.

Moved by: 


Discussion: None


ACTION: Andrew to update meeting minutes status as indicated.

10 min
  • Organization updates

Please review these blogs offline for current status on Kantara and all the DG/WG:

There is a wiki page that will hold all the known implementations of Consent Receipts - Please update the page or inform Jim, or John, or Andrew of your implementation.

  • Reminder next week call is dedicated to Jan Lindquist from Dativa, HyperLedger Indy and other projects consent receipts lifecycle using blockchain. 
  • MyData, Helsinki, September
50minNews about new implementationsAll

This is a new standing agenda item where we can hear about new implementations of receipts.

  • Hyperledger Indie CR Demo
1 minProcessing feature requests for v.next specification work

5 minNews and HappeningsJim


Additional meeting overlap from the CMS Group date time for the a special presentation from Nancy Kim  providing her perceptive on Consent from her new book “Consentability” to be held on Sept. 4th at 12:00PM EDT using the CSM call in details.  Please get a hold of either Jm or Lisa LeVassseur for more information if you’d like. 

0  minDemo status updateall

Recording from Identiverse should be available by the end of July. The presentation is now modular with short videos available to show implementations in Kantara Members' products.

0 minSpecification update approach

See a flowchart version of this here:


0 minWG Charter RefreshIain Henderson
    • No update ongoing revisions to draft Charter
5 minAOB

James: Lisa --> https://www.w3.org/ns/dpv and with GDPR-focus --> https://www.w3.org/ns/dpv-gdpr


  • is there anyone interested in working on the Consent Survey? It covers Consent, Permission and Authorisations forms - specifically the use of the term, the definition and the data capture label ..
  • it will also be really interesting to see - how much of the use of the word consent in the wild would match with the CR legal and standards definitions. - and what variations there might be across different sectors/languages etc.
  • I like that idea - if we are to put a project in the charter - a champion should also be listed in the Charter.
  • the issue of a liaison work - and collaboration needs a charter and IPR agreements
  • Lisa - maybe we can ask the attorneys to help with an ipr agreement?


  • that being the case the work here lays out an approach that has a lot of merits, including starting with sheets, going to graphs, etc..


  • When we discussed it last week, Sal, I seem to recall it was stuff we knew we wanted to do and would rely on internal champions to drive things?
  • So I think that ELISA falls under the Information sharing agreement bullet items [wherever the work is done]--is that right, Jim?


  • SAL: I agree.. and unless there is one person in charge of each deliverable to a product in 1 year, I don't see the group generally getting it all done

Recommendation to Andrew is to create projects with a project manager as the key stakeholder who is the interface internally and externally.

Next meeting

*** Next call 2019-08-22 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time


  • MOTION: To adjourn 
  • Moved: 
  • Second: 
  • Discussion: 
  • Motion