IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2009-09-16

IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2009-09-16

Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance WG Teleconference

These minutes were approved by the IAWG on Nov. 25, 2009.

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2009
  • Time: 8:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 15:00 UTC


  • Patrick Curry
  • Mark Lizar
  • Richard Wilsher
  • Shin Adachi
  • Rich Furr
  • Ben Wilson
  • Colin Soutar
  • John Bradley
  • David Wasley
  • Pete Palmer
  • Helen Hill
  • Britta Glade


1. Roll call

2. Review of action items/follow ups from our last call

3. IAF deliverables hierarchy overview

4. Discuss P3WG report

5. Review budget request that was submitted last week

6. ICAM and application to the TFPAP (GSA Trust Framework)

7. Start off Federation Operator rules and guidelines document


1. Discussion about Quorum

SUMMARY: Britta referred people to the Operating Procedures, section 3.7¸ which states: All Participants present at a WG meeting are voting members of the WG. For the purpose of maintaining a reasonable ability to achieve Quorum, any Participant in a WG who fails to attend two consecutive meetings of the WG may, at the discretion of the Chair, be re-classified as a non-voting member. Voting member status may be reacquired by attending a meeting of the WG. In the case of an electronic vote of the WG, if the electronic vote occurs while a Participant is in non-voting status, the Participant may not vote in that electronic vote.

The IAWG chair has decided to enact this provision in order to help us meet quorum and get work done.

ACTION ITEM: Chair to contact those who are not in compliance to clarify voting intentions. Results to be displayed in our “Roster” section.

In discussion, the group agreed with this in principle, with some specific feedback to take to the LC for consideration:
1. Recommendation to add an “observer status” option to the GPA. Several voiced interest in participating in the WG but not desiring vote status at this point. That would perhaps clarify issue for many.
2. Recommendation that the LC consider “vote hopping” with this provision, and perhaps enact a provision that requires that a base number of meetings be attended before someone can vote.
3. ACTION ITEM: Britta to send these recommendations to the LC chair, with a cc to IAWG chair and vice chair for consideration and discussion.

2. Review of the document hierarchy document

Richard Wilsher reviewed the draft document hierarchy document which had been circulated. Several updates were made during the course of the call to clarify points.

ACTION ITEM: Richard to re-circulate updated version.

Group discussed the role of the IAWG in relationship to the ARB. Referring to the IAWG charter, creation and updating of all documents lies with the IAWG. The ARB implements the products of the IAWG, but does not create original work. The ARB will come to the IAWG with recommendations and clarification requests based on what it is doing, but will not make updates to documents on its own. The IAWG is the voting body for all documents.

    • Legal agreements for applicants may be owned by BoT (vs. the WG as the legal steward of the organization)---Britta to clarify this.
    • Discussion about “public” vs “private.” Group discussed the founding principles of Kantara as a transparent organization with everything publicly available. Draft documents should be recognized as such, clearly labeled as “DRAFT”, and stored in the “DRAFT DOCUMENT” section of the wiki.
    • Suggestion that we should think about intended use of the IAF family of documents---intended only to be used by the ARB or taken and adopted by other groups that are conducting their own assessments.
    • Interest in displaying the document hierarchy in some sort of clickable fashion to easily get someone to the document from the wiki
      • ACTION ITEM: Britta to explore how
3. AOB (ran out of time for the full agenda)
  • Key work going on right now in the US and UK to try to align LOA and what is intended
    • We have members involved in this activity who will provide updates
  • Need for group to meet more regularly at our spin up phase
    • ACTION ITEM: Britta to clarify intentions and timing with chair and make sure notice is distributed.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2009
  • Time: 8:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 15:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Skype: ++9900827044630912
  • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 4630912

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