IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2009-09-02

IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2009-09-02

IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Notes - Sep 02, 2009

These minutes were approved by the IAWG on Nov. 25, 2009.

Date and Time

  • Date: Wed, September 02, 2009
  • Time: 08:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT


  • Adachi, Shin, NTT
  • Bradley, John
  • Furr, Rich, Safe Bio-Pharma Association
  • Soutar, Colin, CSC
  • Stollman, Jeff
  • Villavicencio, Frank, NetStar-1
  • Wilsher, Richard, Zygma LLC
  • Brett McDowell, Kantara Initiative
  • Britta Glade, Kantara Initiative


  • N/A

Special Note

20 minutes into the call, the conference line system failed and everyone on the call was dropped without a chance to dial back in. An alternate conference bridge line was provided (by Frank V.) so that the call could continue. As a result of this two steps were taken:

a)      Britta and Frank raised this issue with the Leadership Council of Kantara Initiative, and as a result a new bridge number has been assigned to IAWG for the bi-weekly calls. The new number will be sent out shortly. This number will still be from the current service provider, so it might have the same issues.
b)      Collin S. offered to research within CSC to see if an alternate, but permanent bridge could be used by IAWG. Action Item: Colin will let the group know during our next call the result of this inquiry.


1. Roll call

2. Review of action items/follow ups from our last call

3. Need to appoint a vice-chair

  • No nominations at this point

4. Review and discuss budget items prioritization

  • No comments have been received to the note sent over a week ago.

5. ICAB white paper and application to the TFPAP (GSA Trust Framework)

  • Next steps related to this topic.

6. Start off Federation Operator rules and guidelines document

  • Discuss and agree on scope and priorities
  • Designation of an editor


1.  Roll call
2. Review of action items/follow ups from our last call
3. Need to appoint a vice-chair

Need to fill up this role.  The role would include leading projects to completion.   Rich asked about time commitment.  Frank thinks about 2.5 hrs a week.  The one hour calls with this group every two weeks, a one hour call with the leadership team. Rich Furr volunteered for the role and the role was accepted with no objections. Action Item: Frank Villavicencio to announce Rich Furr’s appointment to the group via email to formalize his role.

4. Review and discuss budget items prioritization

a)   First item in the list was to secure an editor to complete deliverables, which will require budget. The Federation Operator Rules and Guidelines deliverable, is the first identified one. The goal is to have the document ready for review & publication before the end of the year.  The group agreed that this is an important document that should move forward, and that hiring an editor will be necessary to do so effectively.

b)   The launch of the pilot and the accreditation program should be in the 2009 budget so we can plan to move ahead with the pilot in 2009.  The Kantara budget is calendar year based.  Action Item: Britta will follow-up with Brett to determine the level of 2009 funding. If supplemental budget is required we will have to request thru the process.  Britta has a template for this process.

c)    Another potential item for inclusion in the budget (likely as part of the editor’s role) is to finalize the hierarchy of documents and deliverables as part of IAF (Identity Assurance Framework), and incorporate changes and updates to the AAS (Assurance Assessment Scheme) that will result from the ARB (Accreditation Review Board) and the pilot program. Richard W. and others discussed that the AAS includes some sections that might be more effective as a standalone documents.  We do have a proposed hierarchy to make that happen but we need to move this forward with an active program.  Action Item: IAWG should close on who owns the upkeep and uplift of the AAS sections. Britta to confirm that the AAS ownership stays within IAWG.

Does the management of the hierarchy of documents need to be included in the budget? Are there internal Kantara resources to manage some of this or is it to be outsourced?  We have a proposed, but not approved hierarchy, outlined text that needs to be cut out of the AAS and instantiated in whatever standalone document is approved.  The text coming out of the AAS is only the draft that was in the AAS and a lot of it needs added development and review.  E.g., the discussion of service agreements requires legal review.  These will be the basis of legal connection between Kantara and the providers, etc. Britta explained that the plan is to get feedback during the pilot and get as close as we can prior to expending internal legal expense. A lot of the draft is close to T-Scheme legal text that is already the basis of legal arrangements.

The IAF hierarchy does need to be circulated to ensure where the ownership resides. Action Item: IAWG members should review the existing document and hierarchy, comment, and please come prepared to discuss next week.  Need to discuss and approve next week. Richard W. will circulate proposed hierarchy and will explain it as the first item in next week’s call.

d)   Another budget items could be our liaison with external and other Kantara groups:

a.    The group agreed that, as per Britta’s and Brett’s suggestion, a member of the IAWG should join the ARB (Frank Villavicencio has been invited). 

b.   The budget request to Kantara should include funding/resources for external collaboration, such as with ISO.

Action Item: Frank will prepare and circulate budget item request to the group and to Brett McDowell.

Colin asked: should the documents be reinserted into the Kantara process and is there a registry to manage this?  Britta – Liberty has approved member contribution into the Kantara initiative.  All draft and final documents may be entered into Kantara by members.  The documents will then be entered into an active repository on the Wiki. Action Item: Britta to confirm and follow up on this transition.

5. ICAB white paper and application to the TFPAP (GSA Trust Framework)

Question – is the TFPAP (Trust Framework Provider program) is to certify both trust framework provides and ISPs?  GSA is the only certifier of TFPs.  Britta indicated that Kantara has submitted an application into GSA to be able to do this.  The AAS is intended to accredit providers and assessors.  Our program should meet the GSA requirements.  Frank – the intent of our application to GSA is to be able to accredit trust framework providers.  

6. Start off Federation Operator rules and guidelines document

The group will focus on this deliverable starting on the next call. An editor needs to be appointed. Original contribution document from Peter Alterman has been circulated to the IAWG distribution already.

7. Letter/White paper to ICAM

There is a whitepaper that the P3WG is working on to send to ICAM. There is also a multi-group Kantara Initiative effort to create a “white paper” to be sent in order to convey Kantara’s position on the GSA ICAM.  IAWG is expected to collaborate and contribute to these documents.

Jeff Stollman volunteered to coordinate and keep IAWG posted on the plans of the P3WG and opportunities to comment on this document before it is sent to ICAM.  The goal is to submit comments to ICAM within the next couple weeks.  Action Item: Jeff will follow up and coordinate on this front with P3WG so that a somewhat more defined paper will be available to other groups, including IAWG for comments and contribution.  

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wed, September 16, 2009
  • Time: 08:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: +1-1-218-862-7200  
  • Code: 360928 

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