IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2009-09-30

IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2009-09-30

Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance WG Teleconference

These minutes were approved by the IAWG on Nov. 25, 2009.

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, Sept. 30, 2009
  • Time: 8:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 15:00 UTC


  • Shin Adachi, NTT
  • John Bobrek, Bechtel
  • Patrick Curry, Clarion Identity
  • Helen Hill, HIMSS
  • Colin Soutar, CSC
  • Jeff Stollman
  • Richard Trevorah, tScheme Ltd.
  • Frank Villavicencio, NetStar-1
  • Ben Wilson, DigiCert
  • Britta Glade, Kantara Initiative


  • Mark Lizar, Identity Trust CIC
  • John Bradley


1. Roll call

2. Review of action items/follow ups from our last call

3. IAF deliverables hierarchy overview by Richard Wilsher--vote update

4. ICAM and application to the TFPAP (GSA Trust Framework)

5. Start off Federation Operator rules and guidelines document

6. AOB


1. Roll Call

Summary: We are doing a careful job of monitoring activity against quorum requirements in order to assure we can act on those elements that come to ballot. With additional folks who joined during duration of the call, we did meet quorum with this call.

2. Action Item Review

Summary: All action items from prior calls have been completed.
Action Item: Britta to create and update action log from calls.

3. IAF Deliverables/Vote

Summary: Following verbal votes cast on the call, the ballot motion received all of the required votes. We also discussed/clarified that this Framework is not meant to be definitive, all agreed that much more can be done, but rather the Framework represents a good starting point, and the hierarchy change discussions better enable us to have an expandable structure to accommodate additional audiences, models, geographies, etc.

We also discussed the call for volunteers that Frank had issued to assess member interest in working on the federation operator guidelines and an overall editor position for the documents. While all on the call strongly supported this work, no one was able to offer up resources to perform these functions.

4. ICAM Submission Update

Summary: Britta reported that our application has been fully submitted and we have completed one round of clarifications based on questions. We anticipate ICAM will vote on it at their Oct. meeting. Any change requests to IAWG-governed documents that are requested will come through the ARB as the submitters of the application.

5. Federation Operator Guidelines

Summary: We ran out of time for this topic, but Britta offered to re-circulate the document and post to the draft documents section of site. NOTE: this is now available here: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/655421/Initial+Federation+Operator+text+for+IAF.doc.

6. AOB: Coordinating with Other Efforts

Summary: We discussed there is a lot of work on trust frameworks across the globe and the importance of mapping our work into the work of other efforts to be sure there aren’t duplicate activities. Make sure formats are consistent across work. We discussed differences in US and EMEA, etc.

Action Item: Britta to contact David T./GSA about participation in IAWG, noting that David is putting in a lot of time and work at the ARB level.
Action Item: Britta to contact Rich F. about a summary of his STORK research for the group (Patrick and Richard T are also heavily involved and offered to act in a liaison role), noting that STORK is looking as some very interesting, very tangible use cases right now.

Discussion: Different organizations and geographies seem to have a different emphasis toward levels of assurance. Agreement that low and high are of value and importance, but that an approach that doesn't take into consideration the needs at the high assurance end of the spectrum may end up lacking in terms of what is looked at with low levels of assurance. Important to bring both approaches to bear in our work so that we have a workable solution for all levels of assurance.

Discussion: Helen Hill thanked Brett McDowell and Kantara Initiative for participation in the Southeast Michigan Healthcare Information Exchange Day last Friday and presenting on IAF. She shared that they have adopted IAF for their work and that Brett was able to present a very informative session on IAF to other healthcare providers at the event. More info available here: http://kantarainitiative.org/wordpress/2009/09/michigan-healthcare-information-exchange-adopts-kantara-initiative-identity-assurance-framework/.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, Oct. 14, 2009
  • Time: 8:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 15:00 UTC (Time Chart_)