IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2009-11-11

IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2009-11-11

Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance WG Teleconference

These minutes were approved by the IAWG on Nov. 25, 2009.

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009
  • Time: 08:00 PST | 11:00 EST | 16:00 UTC | 17:00 CET


  • Colin Soutar
  • Shin Adachi
  • Richard Trevorah
  • Frank Villavicenco
  • Praticia Wiebe
  • Patrick Curry
  • Tom Smedinghoff
  • Nigel Tedeschi
  • John Bradley
  • David Wasley
  • Brett McDowell - Staff
  • Britta Glade - Staff
  • Joni Brennan - Staff


  • Rich Furr


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve past meeting notes
  1. SAC updates pending (ARB & ICAM feedback) - Richard Trevorah to lead the update and review process
  2. FORG status and discussion (Rich Furr)
  3. AoB


1. Roll Call


Completed under attendance above

2. Approve past meeting notes


Quorum was not achieved on this call. Vote was tabled.

3. SAC updates pending (ARB & ICAM feedback) - Richard Trevorah to lead the update and review process


There were typographic comments that are shown in the redline and wiki version that has been circulated. If we don't hear back any comments on the typographic changes we can assume they can be included.

ESM 55 - Enterprise and Service Maturity
Issue: is it relevant to have provisions for this at AL1?
This aspect may appear due to OpenID discussions with ICAM
There was general agreement with the change.

Various Perspectives that we should take note of:

  • service provider
  • user
  • jurisdiction
  • owner

Discussions around legal - IF the law requires you to preserve some records then you have to do things in a secure manner. You have to destroy anything that's not required.

Hearing consensus regarding adding new text for termination criteria. - consensus achieved

CSP should only provide attributes explicitly requested. Ensure CSP is taking responsibility for attributes shared by means of their service to relying parties - consensus achieved

Decision that we need to give more time to author this section. Decision to have this call next Wednesday as an ad-hoc to work on text.

4. FORG status and discussion (Rich Furr)

Summary: Discussion deferred.

5. AoB

Next Meeting

  • *Date: Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2009
  • Time: 8 PDT | 11 EDT | 16:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Dial in: Skype: +9900827044630912 or US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +1-201-793-9022      end_of_the_skype_highlighting | Room Code: 4630912