2021-12-08 Meeting notes




See the Participant roster

Voting (4 of 7 required for quorum)

Davis, Peter
Hodges, GailY
Hughes, AndrewRegrets
Jones, ThomasY
Thoma, AndreasY
Williams, ChristopherY
Wunderlich, JohnY


Aronson, Marc
Brudnicki, David
Dutta, Tim
Gropper, Adrian
Jordaan, LoffieY
LeVasseur, Lisa
Snell, Oliver
Whysel, Noreen

Other attendees

Greg Tamanini


  • Check-in on work progress
  • Leadership elections

Discussion items


Call to Order

If quorum:

  • Called to Order
  • The meeting is quorate
  • Minutes approved
  • Agenda  approved
10 minLeadership ElectionTBD

Vote by acclamation

Chair: John Wunderlich

Co-Chair: Christopher Williams

Secretary: Andrew Hughes

10 min.Actions or issues from prior meetings

See tasks on Meeting Page

30 min.Report content discussion & reviewAll
  • Gail Hodges discussion of eKYC and IDA working group OpenID connect for Identity Assurance
    • What an IdP would release and what data structure

    • Some examples of government to enable RP's to work with
    • Mentioned OIX as another stakeholder
    • Separate but related Global Assured Identity Network (GAIN) Report
    • Christopher Williams notes that most of the GAIN focus is on online use cases. Gail Hodges responds that yes but it is technology-neutral and mDL in-person use cases will be considered.
    • Tom Jones notes that the OIDF document doesn't focus on data minimization but more on AML. No privacy requirement in KYC.
  • Tom Jones discussion of user stories
  • Discussion on Privacy Definition proposed by John Wunderlich  is now in the PEMC GitHub as Issue #2 The entry has been updated by Tom Jones and is pending some comments from Loffie Jordaan (Unlicensed) 
  •  Discussion on PEMC Abstract Use Cases in the PEMC GitHub as Issue #3
5 min.Adjourn

Meeting Adjourned. 14:00

Next meeting


Action items