2022-01-19 Meeting notes




See the Participant roster

Voting (4 of 7 required for quorum)

1Davis, Peter
2Hodges, GailYes
3Hughes, AndrewRegrets
4Jones, ThomasYes
5Thoma, AndreasYes
6Williams, ChristopherYes
7Wunderlich, JohnYes


1Aronson, MarcYes
2Brudnicki, David
3Dutta, Tim
4Fleenor, Judith
5Gropper, Adrian
6Jordaan, LoffieRegrets
7LeVasseur, Lisa
8Snell, Oliver
9Stowell, Therese
10Tamanini, Greg
11Whysel, Noreen

Other attendees


  • Check-in on work progress
  • Review draft outline and assign writing tasks

Discussion items


Call to Order

If quorum:

  • Approve agenda
  • Approve minutes
  • Meeting called to order at 13:35
  • The meeting does have a quorum
10 min.Actions or issues from prior meetings

See tasks on Meeting Page

Reviewed completed tasks

40 min.Report content discussion & reviewAll
  • Gail Hodges update on Future Identity Council Digital ID Recommendations
  • Tom points out that most of the interesting use cases are regulated (age for alcohol etc)
    • Does this mean that there should be two 'bundles' - one required by legislation and one that is based on the business interests of the verifier
    • Doesn't like the idea of multiple transactions
  • Interesting convo on terminology and scope of bundles (bundle required by legislation and bundle wanted by verifier, for example)
    • It seems that the UI/UX for presentation and choice to avoid dark patterns and avoid the equivalent of the GDPR cookie consent fiasco (John's opinion) should be a requirement on the Holder's wallet, while clarity on minimizing the data in the required bundle is on the verifier.
5 min.Adjourn

Meeting Adjourned at 13:00

Next meeting


Action items
