2022-08-03 Meeting notes

2022-08-03 Meeting notes


Aug 2, 2022


  • @Noreen Whysel

  • @Jim Kragh (Unlicensed)

  • @Tom Jones

  • @Thomas e Sullivan, MD (Unlicensed)

  • Bev Corwin

  • @Salvatore D'Agostino


  • Catherine Schulten

  • Jeff Brennan


  • Approve Draft charter:  Resilient Identifiers for Underserved Populations Work Group (RIUP WG)


    Convened at 1:00EDT

 Discussion topics









1:00pm EDT

Discuss draft RIUP Charter

@Jim Kragh (Unlicensed)

Jim K’s invitation email:

Our last WG meeting was in May and since then have had 2 interactive sessions with the Leadership Counsel that provided fine tuning guidance.

The draft charter (https://1drv.ms/w/s!Amw09CA5GCgjiWI45zJs_-utWjnB?e=ASIlcG ) has a highlighted section on page 3 that will be the focus of our meeting in addition to any other comments you want to share.

Will need approval from both WG's before sending to the LC this Friday, so please review the document and be prepared to discuss and vote. (side note: both WG's did approve the draft of this document with the exception of changes made on page 3; yellow highlight).

I will share supporting market activities that reinforce this mission if approved.



Tom S: What is Level 1.X?

Jim: NIST Guidelines for 1.X Assurance run from 1.1-1.8. “1.X” is NIST’s language. They showed Jim numbers 1,2, 1.4, 1.6, and 1.8. Numbering may change.


Tom S: Suggestion to tie back abbreviations to prior NIST definition of Identity, Authentication and Federation

Jim: Identity Assurance group is working on that. Not public info yet.


Tom S: Focus is AAL, not FAL?

Jim: once we see NIST guidelines that may change. Some attributes may have the strength of an identity, not all.


Tom S: Hoping for a crosswalk for these terms. IAL in underserved is more difficult than AAL.


Sal: Suggests service assessment criteria with IAWG synchronizing with NIST  800-63. We should do the same.


Jim: Privacy mentioned at LC which could complement this work. (Jeff Brennan not on the call yet).


10 Partners

Added IA WG and UMA which has a good healthcare use case we can use

Tom J suggested adding ID2020 which covers refugees. He knows someone in Seattle who works on it.


Once we get approval we can decide on meeting times, leadership, etc.


Vote to submit charter

@Jim Kragh (Unlicensed)

Vote to approve edits and deliver to LC

Quorum of FIRE and HIAWWG members is present.

All present said Yes.

Absent: Catherine Schulten, Jeff Brennan, who each told Jim they were in favor but didn’t give official proxy.

Pulled from conversation

Additional info

@Jim Kragh (Unlicensed)

Additional news:

211 Federal mental health helpline

United Way showed interest in ?Kantara WG? work. (Or more generally work like ours?)

Adjourn at 1:44pm EDT.

 Action items

@Jim Kragh (Unlicensed) and @Thomas e Sullivan, MD (Unlicensed) to present to Leadership Council


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